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TextJustification Enumeration

Specifies enumerated constants used to indicate the internal alignment and justification of text.

Namespace:  Rhino.Geometry
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 5.0
public enum TextJustification
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 The default justification.
Left1 Left justification.
Center2 Center justification.
Right4 Right justification.
Bottom65536 Bottom inner alignment.
Middle131072 Middle inner alignment.
Top262144 Top inner alignment.
BottomLeft65537 Combination of left justification and bottom alignment.
BottomCenter65538 Combination of center justification and bottom alignment.
BottomRight65540 Combination of right justification and bottom alignment.
MiddleLeft131073 Combination of left justification and middle alignment.
MiddleCenter131074 Combination of center justification and middle alignment.
MiddleRight131076 Combination of right justification and middle alignment.
TopLeft262145 Combination of left justification and top alignment.
TopCenter262146 Combination of center justification and top alignment.
TopRight262148 Combination of right justification and top alignment.
See Also