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SquishDeformation Enumeration

The types of deformation allowed in the squish process

Namespace:  Rhino.Geometry
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
public enum SquishDeformation
  Member nameValueDescription
Free0 No preference for compression or stretching.
StretchMostly1 Strong bias for expansion when the pattern is deformed into the 3-D shape.
StretchOnly2 Absolutely no compression when the pattern is deformed into the 3-D shape.
CompressMostly3 Strong bias for compression when the pattern is deformed into the 3-D shape.
CompressOnly4 Absolutely no expansion when the pattern is deformed into the 3-D shape.
Custom5 The Custom option lets you set the parameters used by the custom deformations. There are four parameters you can set: BndStretch, BndCompress, InteriorStretch, InteriorCompress The default value for these parameters is 1 and they can be set to any positive number. A larger value reduces the amount of the specified deformation compared to what happens when all four parameters are equal. For example, if you want to severely limit interior expansion, you could do something like: BndStretch = 1 BndCompress = 1 InteriorStretch = 1 InteriorCompress = 100 If you want to preserve boundary lengths you could use the settings: BndStretch = 10 BndCompress = 10 InteriorStretch = 1 InteriorCompress = 1
See Also