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AnnotationType Enumeration

ON::AnnotationType identifies the type of an annotation object derived from ON_Annotation.

Namespace:  Rhino.Geometry
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
public enum AnnotationType
  Member nameValueDescription
Unset0 Not a valid annotation type.
Aligned1 Linear distance between two points with dimension line parallel to the dimensioned points.
Angular2 Angle between two lines.
Diameter3 Arc or circle diameter dimension.
Radius4 Arc or circle radius dimension.
Rotated5 Linear distance between two points with dimension line horizontal, vertical or rotated by a specified amount.
Ordinate6 Ordinate dimension. Typically used to document an offset distance between the center of a circle and a reference point.
ArcLen7 Arc length of a curve.
CenterMark8 Center mark dimension. Typically used to document the center of an arc or circle.
Text9 Text. Stand alone text with a wide variety of uses.
Leader10 Leader. Text and a curve with an arrow head.
Angular3pt11 Angular3pt. Angle defined by 3 points.
See Also