Each brep loop has a defined type, e.g. outer, inner or point on surface.
RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 5.0
SyntaxPublic Enumeration BrepLoopType
| Member name | Value | Description |
| Unknown | 0 |
Unknown loop type.
| Outer | 1 |
2d loop curves form a simple closed curve with a counterclockwise orientation.
| Inner | 2 |
2d loop curves form a simple closed curve with a clockwise orientation.
| Slit | 3 |
Always closed - used internally during splitting operations.
| CurveOnSurface | 4 |
"loop" is a curve-on-surface made from a single (open or closed) trim that
has type TrimType.CurveOnSurface.
| PointOnSurface | 5 |
"loop" is a PointOnSurface made from a single trim that has
type TrimType.PointOnSurface.
See Also