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Continuity Enumeration

Provides enumerated values for continuity along geometry, such as continuous first derivative or continuous unit tangent and curvature.

Namespace:  Rhino.Geometry
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 5.0
public enum Continuity
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 There is no continuity.
C0_continuous1 Continuous Function : Test for parametric continuity. In particular, all types of curves are considered infinitely continuous at the start/end of the evaluation domain.
C1_continuous2 Continuous first derivative : Test for parametric continuity. In particular, all types of curves are considered infinitely continuous at the start/end of the evaluation domain.
C2_continuous3 Continuous first derivative and second derivative : Test for parametric continuity. In particular, all types of curves are considered infinitely continuous at the start/end of the evaluation domain.
G1_continuous4 Continuous unit tangent : Test for parametric continuity. In particular, all types of curves are considered infinitely continuous at the start/end of the evaluation domain.
G2_continuous5 Continuous unit tangent and curvature : Test for parametric continuity. In particular, all types of curves are considered infinitely continuous at the start/end of the evaluation domain.
C0_locus_continuous6 Locus continuous function : Continuity tests using the following enum values are identical to tests using the preceding enum values on the INTERIOR of a curve's domain. At the END of a curve a "locus" test is performed in place of a parametric test. In particular, at the END of a domain, all open curves are locus discontinuous. At the END of a domain, all closed curves are at least C0_locus_continuous. By convention all Curves are considered locus continuous at the START of the evaluation domain. This convention is not strictly correct, but it was adopted to make iterative kink finding tools easier to use and so that locus discontinuities are reported once at the end parameter of a curve rather than twice.
C1_locus_continuous7 Locus continuous first derivative : Continuity tests using the following enum values are identical to tests using the preceding enum values on the INTERIOR of a curve's domain. At the END of a curve a "locus" test is performed in place of a parametric test. In particular, at the END of a domain, all open curves are locus discontinuous. At the END of a domain, all closed curves are at least C0_locus_continuous. By convention all Curves are considered locus continuous at the START of the evaluation domain. This convention is not strictly correct, but it was adopted to make iterative kink finding tools easier to use and so that locus discontinuities are reported once at the end parameter of a curve rather than twice.
C2_locus_continuous8 Locus continuous first and second derivative : Continuity tests using the following enum values are identical to tests using the preceding enum values on the INTERIOR of a curve's domain. At the END of a curve a "locus" test is performed in place of a parametric test. In particular, at the END of a domain, all open curves are locus discontinuous. At the END of a domain, all closed curves are at least C0_locus_continuous. By convention all Curves are considered locus continuous at the START of the evaluation domain. This convention is not strictly correct, but it was adopted to make iterative kink finding tools easier to use and so that locus discontinuities are reported once at the end parameter of a curve rather than twice.
G1_locus_continuous9 Locus continuous unit tangent : Continuity tests using the following enum values are identical to tests using the preceding enum values on the INTERIOR of a curve's domain. At the END of a curve a "locus" test is performed in place of a parametric test. In particular, at the END of a domain, all open curves are locus discontinuous. At the END of a domain, all closed curves are at least C0_locus_continuous. By convention all Curves are considered locus continuous at the START of the evaluation domain. This convention is not strictly correct, but it was adopted to make iterative kink finding tools easier to use and so that locus discontinuities are reported once at the end parameter of a curve rather than twice.
G2_locus_continuous10 Locus continuous unit tangent and curvature : Continuity tests using the following enum values are identical to tests using the preceding enum values on the INTERIOR of a curve's domain. At the END of a curve a "locus" test is performed in place of a parametric test. In particular, at the END of a domain, all open curves are locus discontinuous. At the END of a domain, all closed curves are at least C0_locus_continuous. By convention all Curves are considered locus continuous at the START of the evaluation domain. This convention is not strictly correct, but it was adopted to make iterative kink finding tools easier to use and so that locus discontinuities are reported once at the end parameter of a curve rather than twice.
Cinfinity_continuous11 Analytic discontinuity. Cinfinity_continuous is a euphemism for "at a knot".
Gsmooth_continuous12 Aesthetic discontinuity
See Also