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SubDToBrepOptionsExtraordinaryVertexProcessOption Enumeration

ON_SubDToBrepParameters::Vertex identifies the options for post processing extraorindary vertices.

Namespace:  Rhino.Geometry
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
public enum ExtraordinaryVertexProcessOption
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 The NURBS patches are used as is. At extraordinary vertices, the brep vertex may not be G1. Typically the deviation bewtween the brep and SubD surface is smallest with this option.
LocalG11 At extraordinary vertices, the NURBS patches are modified so they are G1 at the extraordinary vertex. Typically the deviation bewtween the brep and SubD surface is larger than None and smaller than LocalG1x and LocalG2.
LocalG22 At extraordinary vertices, the NURBS patches are modified so they are G2 at the extraordinary vertex. Typically the deviation bewtween the brep and SubD surface is larger than LocalG1 and LocalG1x.
LocalG1x3 At extraordinary vertices, the NURBS patches are modified so they are G1 at the extraordinary vertex and tend to be closer to G1 along edges near the extraordinary vertex. Typically the deviation bewtween the brep and SubD surface is larger than LocalG1 and smaller than LocalG2.
LocalG1xx4 At extraordinary vertices, the NURBS patches are modified so they are G1 at the extraordinary vertex and G1 along edges near the extraordinary vertex. The patches will have one double knot near the extraordinary vertex.
See Also