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SubDComponentLocation Enumeration

The ON_SubDComponentLocation enum is used when an ON_SubD component is referenced and it is important to distinguish between the component's location in the SubD control net and its location in the SubD limit surface.

Namespace:  Rhino.Geometry
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
public enum SubDComponentLocation
  Member nameValueDescription
Unset0 Not a valid component location and used to indicate the value is not initialized. Note well: This value is saved in 3dm archives and cannot be changed.
ControlNet1 The component's location in the SubD control net. Note well: This value is saved in 3dm archives and cannot be changed.
Surface2 The component's location in the SubD limit surface. Note well: This value is saved in 3dm archives and cannot be changed.
See Also