SubDPatchStyle Enumeration |
SubD::PatchStyle identifies the style of patch used to fill holes.
RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Syntaxpublic enum SubDPatchStyle
Public Enumeration SubDPatchStyle
| Member name | Value | Description |
| Unset | 0 |
Not a valid style.
This encourages developers to thoughtfully select a patch style and can
be used to indicate a UI control is not initialized.
| Automatic | 1 |
Automatically choose a patch style that will generally create a good looking result.
If a hole boundary is not convex, it is triangulated. Otherwise:
If a hole has 3 edges, a single triangle face is used.
If a hole has 4 edges, a single quad face is used.
If a hole has 5 or more edges and an odd number of edges, a triangle fan is used.
If a hole has 6 or more edges and an even number of edges, a quad fan is used.
| SingleFace | 2 |
A single face is used under all conditions.
| TriangleFan | 3 |
A triangle fan used under all conditions. The center of the fan
is the average of the hole boundary vertex control net points.
| QuadOrTriangleFan | 4 |
If the hole boundary has an even number of edges, a quad fan is used.
Otherwise a triangle fan is used. The center of the fan
is the average of the hole boundary vertex control net points.
| Triangulated | 5 |
The hole boundary is triangluated.
Typically this style is selected when a boundary not convex
and the other styles produce faces with overlapping regions.
See Also