SubDFromSurfaceMethods Enumeration |
ON_SubDFromSurfaceParameters::Method are ways to create a SubD from a surface.
RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Syntaxpublic enum SubDFromSurfaceMethods
Public Enumeration SubDFromSurfaceMethods
| Member name | Value | Description |
| Unset | 0 |
Used to indicate the method is not set.
| SubDFriendlyFit | 1 |
The surface is approximated with a SubD friendly NURBS surface and the SubD is created
to match the subd friendly nurbs surface.
If the input surface is a subd friendly NURBS surface, the subd and surface have the same geometry.
| FromNurbsControlNet | 2 |
The surface is converted to a NURBS surface and then a subd with one face per NURBS bispan
is created by using an appropriate subset of the NURBS surface control net.
If the input surface is a subd friendly NURBS surface, the subd and surface have the same geometry.
See Also