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ComponentIndexType Enumeration

Defines enumerated values to represent component index types.

Namespace:  Rhino.Geometry
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 5.0
public enum ComponentIndexType
  Member nameValueDescription
InvalidType0 Not used. This is the default value of the enumeration type.
BrepVertex1 Targets a brep vertex index.
BrepEdge2 Targets a brep edge index.
BrepFace3 Targets a brep face index.
BrepTrim4 Targets a brep trim index.
BrepLoop5 Targets a brep loop index.
MeshVertex11 Targets a mesh vertex index.
MeshTopologyVertex12 Targets a mesh topology vertex index.
MeshTopologyEdge13 Targets a mesh topology edge index.
MeshFace14 Targets a mesh face index.
MeshNgon15 Targets a mesh n-gon index.
InstanceDefinitionPart21 Targets an instance definition part index.
PolycurveSegment31 Targets a polycurve segment index.
PointCloudPoint41 Targets a point cloud point index.
GroupMember51 Targets a group member index.
ExtrusionBottomProfile61 3d bottom profile curves. Index identifies profile component
ExtrusionTopProfile62 3d top profile curves. Index identifies profile component
ExtrusionWallEdge63 3d wall edge curve. Index/2: identifies profile component Index%2: 0=start, 1=end
ExtrusionWallSurface64 Side wall surfaces. Index identifies profile component
ExtrusionCapSurface65 Bottom and top cap surfaces. Index 0=bottom, 1=top
ExtrusionPath66 Extrusion path (axis line). Index -1=entire path, 0=start point, 1=endpoint
SubdVertex71Targets a SubD vertex pointer Id. Ids are not guaranteed to be sequential.
SubdEdge72Targets a SubD edge pointer Id. Ids are not guaranteed to be sequential.
SubdFace73Targets a SubD face pointer Id. Ids are not guaranteed to be sequential.
DimLinearPoint100 Targets a linear dimension point index.
DimRadialPoint101 Targets a radial dimension point index.
DimAngularPoint102 Targets an angular dimension point index.
DimOrdinatePoint103 Targets an ordinate dimension point index.
DimTextPoint104 Targets a text point index.
NoType268435455 Targets no specific type.
See Also