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SubDCreationOptionsTextureCoordinateOption Enumeration

Specifies how texture coordinate information is transferred from the mesh to the SubD.

Namespace:  Rhino.Geometry
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
public enum TextureCoordinateOption
  Member nameValueDescription
Unset0The option is not set.
None1No texture coordianate information is transferred from the mesh.
Automatic2 If the mesh has a mapping, then TextureCoordinatesOption::CopyMapping is used. Otherwise if the mesh has texture coordinates, then TextureCoordinatesOption::CopyCoordinates is used. Otherwise TextureCoordinatesOption::Packed is used.
Packed3 No texture coordianate information is transferred from the mesh. The SubD faces are packed.
CopyMapping4Texture coordinates mapping information is copied from the mesh. Generally this is the best choice because common mappings, like planar, will appear as most people expect on the SubD.
CopyCoordinates5 If a mesh has custom texture coordinates, the custom texture coordinates are transferred to the SubD. This requires more memory resources, slows subdivision evaluation, often produces unattractive results on n-gons, and distorts the texture when comes from a common mapping technique, like planar. This option may be useful when the mesh contains only triangles and quads and the custom texture coordinates are of high quality.
See Also