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SubDChainType Enumeration

SubD::ChainType specifies what edge and vertex tag tests are used when creating edge chains.

Namespace:  Rhino.Geometry
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
public enum SubDChainType
  Member nameValueDescription
Unset0 Unset.
MixedTag1 All types of edges and vertices can be in the chain.
EqualEdgeTag2 Every edge in an edge chain has the same smooth/crease property.
EqualEdgeAndVertexTag3 Every edge in an edge chain has the same smooth/crease edge tag and interior vertices have the corresponding smooth/crease vertex tag.
EqualEdgeTagAndOrdinary4 Every edge in an edge chain has the same smooth/crease property and every edge has the same number of faces. If the edges have 1 face, then interior vertices have valence = 3. If the edges have 2 faces, then interior vertices have valence = 4.
EqualEdgeAndVertexTagAndOrdinary5 Every edge in an edge chain has the same smooth/crease edge tag, every edge has the same number of faces, and interior vertices have the corresponding smooth/crease vertex tag. If the edges have 1 face, then interior vertices have valence = 3. If the edges have 2 faces, then interior vertices have valence = 4.
See Also