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LightStyle Enumeration

Defines enumerated values to represent light styles or types, such as directional or spotlight.

Namespace:  Rhino.Geometry
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 5.0
public enum LightStyle
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 No light type. This is the default value of the enumeration type.
CameraDirectional4 Light location and direction in camera coordinates. +x points to right, +y points up, +z points towards camera.
CameraPoint5 Light location and direction in camera coordinates. +x points to right, +y points up, +z points towards camera.
CameraSpot6 Light location and direction in camera coordinates. +x points to right, +y points up, +z points towards camera.
WorldDirectional7Light location and direction in world coordinates.
WorldPoint8Light location and direction in world coordinates.
WorldSpot9Light location and direction in world coordinates.
Ambient10Ambient light.
WorldLinear11Linear light in world coordinates.
WorldRectangular12Rectangular light in world coordinates.
See Also