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ComponentOrders Enumeration

Pixel component order for channels in the RenderWindow and PostEffects.

Namespace:  Rhino.Render
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 7.0
public enum ComponentOrders
  Member nameValueDescription
Irrelevant0 Used in single-value channels.
RGBA1 This is the default (to match Rhino 5)
ARGB2 ARGB component order
RGB3 This will only access 3 components, even in the case of the RGBA channel
BGR4 This will only access 3 components, even in the case of the RGBA channel.
ABGR5 ABGR component order
BGRA6 BGRA component order
XYZ3 For readability when using the Normal XYZ channel. Same as RGB
ZYX4 For readability when using the Normal XYZ channel. Same as BGR
See Also