The TextureType controls how the pixels in the bitmap
are interpreted.
RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 5.6
SyntaxPublic Enumeration TextureType
| Member name | Value | Description |
| None | 0 | |
| Bitmap | 1 |
Deprecated - this should be diffuse
| Diffuse | 1 |
The diffuse color of the material, ideally the albedo.
| Bump | 2 |
bump map
| Transparency | 3 |
Deprecated - see Opacity. This has always actually meant opacity in Rhino, so there is nothing to change.
| Opacity | 3 |
value = alpha
| Emap | 86 |
Emap/Environment texture
| PBR_BaseColor | 1 |
Physically based materials only - base color. Re-uses diffuse texture slot.
| PBR_Subsurface | 10 |
Physically based materials only - subsurface (greyscale)
| PBR_SubsurfaceScattering | 11 |
Physically based materials only - subsurface scattering
| PBR_SubsurfaceScatteringRadius | 12 |
Physically based materials only - subsurface scattering radius (greyscale)
| PBR_Metallic | 13 |
Physically based materials only - metallic (greyscale)
| PBR_Specular | 14 |
Physically based materials only - specular (greyscale)
| PBR_SpecularTint | 15 |
Physically based materials only - specular tint (greyscale)
| PBR_Roughness | 16 |
Physically based materials only - roughness (greyscale)
| PBR_Anisotropic | 17 |
Physically based materials only - anisotropic (greyscale)
| PBR_Anisotropic_Rotation | 18 |
Physically based materials only - anisotropic rotation 0 = 0, 255 = 360
| PBR_Sheen | 19 |
Physically based materials only - sheen (greyscale)
| PBR_SheenTint | 20 |
Physically based materials only - sheen tint (greyscale)
| PBR_Clearcoat | 21 |
Physically based materials only - clearcoat (greyscale)
| PBR_ClearcoatRoughness | 22 |
Physically based materials only - clearcoat roughness (greyscale)
| PBR_OpacityIor | 23 |
Physically based materials only - ior (greyscale - remaps from 1.0 to 2.0)
| PBR_OpacityRoughness | 24 |
Physically based materials only - transparency roughness (greyscale)
| PBR_Emission | 25 |
Physically based materials only - emission (greyscale)
| PBR_AmbientOcclusion | 26 |
Physically based materials only - occlusion (greyscale)
| PBR_Displacement | 28 |
Physically based materials only - normal 8-bit RGB, alpha is ignored
| PBR_ClearcoatBump | 29 |
Physically based materials only - clearcoat normal or bump (normal map, RGB)
| PBR_Alpha | 30 |
Physically based materials only - clearcoat normal or bump (normal map, RGB)
See Also