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InstanceDefinitionArchiveFileStatus Enumeration

The archive file of a linked instance definition can have the following possible states. Use InstanceObject.ArchiveFileStatus to query a instance definition's archive file status.

Namespace:  Rhino.DocObjects
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 5.2
public enum InstanceDefinitionArchiveFileStatus
  Member nameValueDescription
NotALinkedInstanceDefinition-3 The instance definition is not a linked instance definition.
LinkedFileNotReadable-2 The instance definition's archive file is not readable.
LinkedFileNotFound-1 The instance definition's archive file cannot be found.
LinkedFileIsUpToDate0 The instance definition's archive file is up-to-date.
LinkedFileIsNewer1 The instance definition's archive file is newer.
LinkedFileIsOlder2 The instance definition's archive file is older.
LinkedFileIsDifferent3 The instance definition's archive file is different.
See Also