FontFontOrigin Enumeration |
Platform where font originated. This information is useful when
searching for appropriate substitutes.
RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
SyntaxPublic Enumeration FontOrigin
| Member name | Value | Description |
| Unset | 0 | Not set. |
| Unknown | 1 | Origin unknown. Changing an ON_Font characteristic like weight or style sets the origin to unknown. |
| WindowsFont | 2 |
Set from a Windows IDWriteFont by ON_Font::SetFromDWriteFont()
or a Windows LOGFONT by ON_Font::SetFromWindowsLogFont() and
FaceName and WindowLogfontName match a font installed on a Windows device.
| AppleFont | 3 |
Set from an Apple CTFont. The PostScriptName() and FamilyName() match a
font installed on device running MacOS or iOS. The FaceName() matches
the "typeface" name shown in the MacOS FontBook app.
See Also