EarthCoordinateSystem Enumeration |
ON::EarthCoordinateSystem identifies the standard used to define Earth latitude, longitude, and elevation coordinates.
RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Syntaxpublic enum EarthCoordinateSystem
Public Enumeration EarthCoordinateSystem
| Member name | Value | Description |
| Unset | 0 |
| GroundLevel | 1 |
ON::EarthCoordinateSystem::GroundLevel Not well defined, but latitude and longitude will be good enough for architecture sun studies.
| MeanSeaLevel | 2 |
ON::EarthCoordinateSystem::MeanSeaLevel Not well defined, but latitude and longitude will be good enough for architecture sun studies.
| CenterOfEarth | 3 |
ON::EarthCoordinateSystem::CenterOfEarth Not well defined. The Earth's center of mass and center of volume are at different locations.
| WGS1984 | 5 |
ON::EarthCoordinateSystem::WGS1984 World Geodetic System 1984 standard. (Current GPS standard.)
| EGM2008 | 6 |
ON::EarthCoordinateSystem::EGM2008 Earth Gravitational Model 2008 standard.
See Also