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ObjectAttributes Class

Attributes (color, material, layer,...) associated with a rhino object
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Rhino.DocObjects
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
public class ObjectAttributes : CommonObject

The ObjectAttributes type exposes the following members.

Public methodObjectAttributes
Initializes a new instance of the ObjectAttributes class
Protected methodObjectAttributes(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)
Initializes a new instance of the ObjectAttributes class
Public propertyCastsShadows
Gets or sets an object's casts shadows property, or whether or not an object casts shadows on other objects and a ground plane.
Public propertyClippingPlaneLabelStyle
Defines how a label for a clipping plane object should be shown
Public propertyCode exampleColorSource
The color used to display an object is specified in one of three ways. If ColorSource is ON::color_from_layer, then the object's layer ON_Layer::Color() is used. If ColorSource is ON::color_from_object, then value of m_color is used. If ColorSource is ON::color_from_material, then the diffuse color of the object's render material is used. See ON_3dmObjectAttributes::MaterialSource() to determine where to get the definition of the object's render material.
Public propertyCustomMeshingParameters
Returns or sets the per-object render meshing parameters, which controls the object's render mesh density. If this property is null, then the object uses the document's render meshing parameters. To remove the per-object render meshing parameters, set this property to null.
Public propertyDecals
Gets all object decals associated with this object.
Public propertyCode exampleDisplayOrder
Display order used to force objects to be drawn on top or behind each other. Larger numbers draw on top of smaller numbers.

0 = draw object in standard depth buffered order

<0 = draw object behind "normal" draw order objects

>0 = draw object on top of "normal" draw order objects

Public propertyDisposed
Indicates if this object has been disposed or the document it originally belonged to has been disposed.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyFile3dmMeshModifiers
Get an object that provides access to mesh modifiers when the attributes is for a File3dmObject.
Public propertyGroupCount
number of groups object belongs to.
Public propertyHasMapping
A mapping from any plug-in source is associated with these attributes Need to do this here to respond correctly to ModifyObjectAttributes event
Public propertyHasUserData
Gets true if this class has any custom information attached to it through UserData.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyHatchBackgroundFillColor
Fill color for hatches (default is Color.Empty)
Public propertyHatchBoundaryVisible
Draw the bounrdaries for a hatch (default is false)
Public propertyIsDocumentControlled (Overrides CommonObjectIsDocumentControlled.)
Public propertyIsInstanceDefinitionObject
Use this query to determine if an object is part of an instance definition.
Public propertyIsValid
Tests an object to see if it is valid.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyCode exampleLayerIndex
Gets or sets an associated layer index.

Layer definitions in an OpenNURBS model are stored in a layer table. The layer table is conceptually an array of ON_Layer classes. Every OpenNURBS object in a model is on some layer. The object's layer is specified by zero based indices into the ON_Layer array.

Public propertyLinetypeIndex
Gets or sets the linetype index.

Linetype definitions in an OpenNURBS model are stored in a linetype table. The linetype table is conceptually an array of ON_Linetype classes. Every OpenNURBS object in a model references some linetype. The object's linetype is specified by zero based indices into the ON_Linetype array.

Index 0 is reserved for continuous linetype (no pattern).

Public propertyLinetypePatternScale
Per object linetype scale
Public propertyLinetypeSource
The Linetype used to display an object is specified in one of two ways. If LinetypeSource is ON::linetype_from_layer, then the object's layer ON_Layer::Linetype() is used. If LinetypeSource is ON::linetype_from_object, then value of m_linetype is used.
Public propertyMaterialIndex
Gets or sets the material index.

If you want something simple and fast, set the index of the rendering material.

Public propertyMaterialRefs
If you are developing a high quality plug-in renderer, and a user is assigning a custom render material to this object, then add rendering material information to the MaterialRefs dictionary. Note to developers: As soon as the MaterialRefs dictionary contains items rendering material queries slow down. Do not populate the MaterialRefs dictionary when setting the MaterialIndex will take care of your needs.
Public propertyMaterialSource
Determines if the simple material should come from the object or from it's layer. High quality rendering plug-ins should use m_rendering_attributes.
Public propertyMode
An object must be in one of three modes: normal, locked or hidden. If an object is in normal mode, then the object's layer controls visibility and selectability. If an object is locked, then the object's layer controls visibility by the object cannot be selected. If the object is hidden, it is not visible and it cannot be selected.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets an object optional text name.

More than one object in a model can have the same name and some objects may have no name.

Public propertyCode exampleObjectColor
If ON::color_from_object == ColorSource, then color is the object's display color.
Public propertyObjectDecoration
Used to indicate an object has a decoration (like an arrowhead on a curve)
Public propertyObjectId
Every object has a Guid (globally unique identifier, also known as UUID, or universally unique identifier). The default value is Guid.Empty.

When an object is added to a model, the value is checked. If the value is Guid.Empty, a new Guid is created. If the value is not null but it is already used by another object in the model, a new Guid is created. If the value is not Guid.Empty and it is not used by another object in the model, then that value persists. When an object is updated, by a move for example, the value of ObjectId persists.

This value is the same as the one returned by object.Id.

Public propertyStatic memberOCSMappingChannelId
The mapping channel id to use when calling MappingChannel to retrieve the OCS mapping if there is one.
Public propertyPlotColor
If plot_color_from_object == PlotColorSource, then PlotColor is the object's plotting color.
Public propertyPlotColorSource
The color used to plot an object on paper is specified in one of three ways. If PlotColorSource is ON::plot_color_from_layer, then the object's layer ON_Layer::PlotColor() is used. If PlotColorSource is ON::plot_color_from_object, then value of PlotColor() is used.
Public propertyPlotWeight
Plot weight in millimeters. =0.0 means use the default width <0.0 means don't plot (visible for screen display, but does not show on plot)
Public propertyPlotWeightSource
Public propertyReceivesShadows
Gets or sets an object's receives shadows property, or whether or not an object receives shadows from other objects.
Public propertyRenderMaterial
Sets the render material for the object - higher level function for setting MaterialSource and MaterialIndex
Public propertySectionAttributesSource
Where section attributes are read from
Public propertySpace
Starting with V4, objects can be in either model space or page space. If an object is in page space, then ViewportId is not nil and identifies the page it is on.
Public propertyUrl
Objects may have an URL. There are no restrictions on what value this URL may have. As an example, if the object came from a commercial part library, the URL might point to the definition of that part.
Public propertyUserData
List of custom information that is attached to this class.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyUserDictionary
Dictionary of custom information attached to this class. The dictionary is actually user data provided as an easy to use shareable set of information.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyUserStringCount
Public propertyViewportId
If ViewportId is nil, the object is active in all viewports. If ViewportId is not nil, then this object is only active in a specific view. This field is primarily used to assign page space objects to a specific page, but it can also be used to restrict model space to a specific view.
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets an object's visibility.
Public propertyCode exampleWireDensity
When a surface object is displayed in wireframe, this controls how many isoparametric wires are used. value number of isoparametric wires -1 boundary wires (off) 0 boundary and knot wires 1 boundary and knot wires and, if there are no interior knots, a single interior wire. N>=2 boundary and knot wires and (N+1) interior wires.
Public methodAddHideInDetailOverride
Make this object hidden in a given detail
Public methodAddToGroup
Adds object to the group with specified index by appending index to group list.

If the object is already in group, nothing is changed.

Public methodComputedPlotColor(RhinoDoc)
Public methodComputedPlotColor(RhinoDoc, Guid)
Public methodComputedPlotWeight(RhinoDoc)
Public methodComputedPlotWeight(RhinoDoc, Guid)
Protected methodConstructConstObject
Assigns a parent object and a sub-object index to this.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodDeleteAllUserStrings
Public methodDeleteUserString
Public methodDispose
Actively reclaims unmanaged resources that this instance uses.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
For derived class implementers.

This method is called with argument true when class user calls Dispose(), while with argument false when the Garbage Collector invokes the finalizer, or Finalize() method.

You must reclaim all used unmanaged resources in both cases, and can use this chance to call Dispose on disposable fields if the argument is true.

Also, you must call the base virtual method within your overriding method.

(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodDrawColor(RhinoDoc)
Gets an object's draw color, which is based on the object's color source
Public methodDrawColor(RhinoDoc, Guid)
Gets an object's draw color, which is based on the object's color source
Public methodDuplicate
Constructs a copy of this ObjectAttributes instance.
Public methodEnsurePrivateCopy
If you want to keep a copy of this class around by holding onto it in a variable after a command completes, call EnsurePrivateCopy to make sure that this class is not tied to the document. You can call this function as many times as you want.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Passively reclaims unmanaged resources when the class user did not explicitly call Dispose().
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodGetCustomLinetype
Get an optional custom linetype associated with these attributes. If null, then the attributes use the linetype index to determine it's linetype
Public methodGetCustomSectionStyle
Get an optional custom section style associated with these attributes.
Public methodGetDisplayModeOverride
Returns the id of the display mode of an objects. Object display modes are view based. Thus, it is possible to have an object display different in different views.
Public methodGetGroupList
Returns an array of GroupCount group indices. If GroupCount is zero, then GetGroupList() returns null.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHideInDetailOverrides
Get list of details that this object is supposed to be hidden in
Public methodGetObjectData
Populates a System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUserString
Gets a user string.
Public methodGetUserStrings
Gets an independent copy of the collection of (user text key, user text value) pairs attached to this object.
Public methodCode exampleHasDisplayModeOverride
Determines if an object has a display mode override for a given viewport.
Public methodHasHideInDetailOverrideSet
Is this object supposed to be hidden in a given detail
Public methodIsInGroup
Determines if an object belong to a group or not.
Public methodIsValidWithLog
Determines if an object is valid. Also provides a report on errors if this object happens not to be valid.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodNonConstOperation
For derived classes implementers.

Defines the necessary implementation to free the instance from being constant.

(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodObjectFrame
Protected methodOnSwitchToNonConst
Is called when a non-constant operation first occurs.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodRemoveCustomLinetype
Public methodRemoveCustomSectionStyle
Public methodRemoveDisplayModeOverride
By default, objects are drawn using the display mode of the viewport that the object is being drawn in. Setting a specific display mode, instructs Rhino to always use that display mode, regardless of the viewport's mode. This function resets an object to use the viewport's display mode for all viewports.
Public methodCode exampleRemoveDisplayModeOverride(Guid)
By default, objects are drawn using the display mode of the viewport that the object is being drawn in. Setting a specific display mode, instructs Rhino to always use that display mode, regardless of the viewport's mode. This function resets an object to use the viewport's display mode.
Public methodRemoveFromAllGroups
Removes object from all groups.
Public methodRemoveFromGroup
removes object from the group with specified index.

If the object is not in the group, nothing is changed.

Public methodRemoveHideInDetailOverride
Remove hidden in detail flag for a specific detail
Public methodSetCustomLinetype
Public methodSetCustomSectionStyle
Public methodSetDisplayModeOverride(DisplayModeDescription)
By default, objects are drawn using the display mode of the viewport that the object is being drawn in. Setting a specific display mode, instructs Rhino to always use that display mode, regardless of the viewport's mode. This version affects the object's display mode for all viewports.
Public methodCode exampleSetDisplayModeOverride(DisplayModeDescription, Guid)
By default, objects are drawn using the display mode of the viewport that the object is being drawn in. Setting a specific display mode, instructs Rhino to always use that display mode, regardless of the viewport's mode. This version sets a display mode for a specific viewport.
Public methodSetObjectFrame(Plane)
Public methodSetObjectFrame(Transform)
Public methodSetUserString
Attach a user string (key,value combination) to this geometry.
Public methodToJSON
Create a JSON string representation of this object
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTransform
Apply a transformation.
See Also