ModelComponentType Enumeration |
The ON_ModelComponent::Type enum has a value for each explicit component type
and two special values, Unset and Mixed. Use an ON_ModelComponentTypeIterator
instance to iterate over the ON_ModelComponent::Type values.
RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Syntaxpublic enum ModelComponentType
Public Enumeration ModelComponentType
| Member name | Value | Description |
| Unset | 0 | No value set. |
| Image | 1 | Embedded image (bitmap) components. |
| TextureMapping | 2 | Texture mapping. |
| Material | 3 | Material. |
| RenderMaterial | 3 | Render material. Deprecated in favor of Material. |
| LinePattern | 4 | Line pattern (linetype). |
| Layer | 5 | Layer. |
| Group | 6 | Group. |
| TextStyle | 7 | Text style. |
| DimStyle | 8 | AnnotationDimension style. |
| RenderLight | 9 | Render light. |
| HatchPattern | 10 | Hatch pattern. |
| InstanceDefinition | 11 | Instance definition. |
| ModelGeometry | 12 | Model objects (points, curves, surfaces, ..., annotation, page details, ...), including objects referenced by instance definitions. |
| HistoryRecord | 13 | History record. |
| RenderContent | 14 | Render content. |
| EmbeddedFile | 15 | Embedded file for render texture. |
| ObsoleteValue | 16 | This value was never used and is now obsolete. |
| SectionStyle | 17 | Section style attributes |
| NumOf | 18 | Number of items above. |
| Mixed | 254 | Multiple component types. Used when a component type filter must include all explicit component types. |
See Also