DimensionStyleField Enumeration |
Field identifiers used for file i/o and getting/setting values
RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
| Member name | Value | Description |
| Unset | 0 | |
| Name | 1 | Dimension style Name property. Cannot be inherited from parent. |
| Index | 2 | Dimension style runtime model component index property. Cannot be inherited from parent. |
| ExtensionLineExtension | 3 | |
| ExtensionLineOffset | 4 | |
| Arrowsize | 5 | |
| LeaderArrowsize | 6 | |
| Centermark | 7 | |
| TextGap | 8 | |
| TextHeight | 9 | |
| DimTextLocation | 10 | Linear, angular, and ordinate dimension text location above/in/below |
| MaskFrameType | 11 | Text mask frame |
| LengthResolution | 12 | |
| AngleFormat | 13 | |
| AngleResolution | 14 | |
| Font | 15 | |
| LengthFactor | 16 |
LengthFactor is a rarely used. It applies when a model is being
drawn to a scale and the dimension length values should be
reverse scaled. For example, if a model is drawn at 1/4 scale,
a line 5 units long indicates the real world line is 20 units
long. In this case setting LengthFactor to 4 would cause
a linear dimension applied to that line to display a value of 20.
| Alternate | 17 | |
| AlternateLengthFactor | 18 |
AlternateLengthFactor is a rarely used. See Length factor for
a description of this property.
| AlternateLengthResolution | 20 | |
| Prefix | 21 | |
| Suffix | 22 | |
| AlternatePrefix | 23 | |
| AlternateSuffix | 24 | |
| DimensionLineExtension | 25 | |
| SuppressExtension1 | 26 | |
| SuppressExtension2 | 27 | |
| ExtLineColorSource | 28 | |
| DimLineColorSource | 29 | |
| ArrowColorSource | 30 | |
| TextColorSource | 31 | |
| ExtLineColor | 32 | |
| DimLineColor | 33 | |
| ArrowColor | 34 | |
| TextColor | 35 | |
| ExtLinePlotColorSource | 36 | |
| DimLinePlotColorSource | 37 | |
| ArrowPlotColorSource | 38 | |
| TextPlotColorSource | 39 | |
| ExtLinePlotColor | 40 | |
| DimLinePlotColor | 41 | |
| ArrowPlotColor | 42 | |
| TextPlotColor | 43 | |
| ExtLinePlotWeightSource | 44 | |
| DimLinePlotWeightSource | 45 | |
| ExtLinePlotWeight_mm | 46 | |
| DimLinePlotWeight_mm | 47 | |
| ToleranceFormat | 48 | |
| ToleranceResolution | 49 | |
| ToleranceUpperValue | 50 | |
| ToleranceLowerValue | 51 | |
| AltToleranceResolution | 52 | |
| ToleranceHeightScale | 53 | |
| BaselineSpacing | 54 | |
| DrawMask | 55 | |
| MaskColorSource | 56 | |
| MaskColor | 57 | |
| MaskBorder | 58 | |
| DimensionScale | 59 | |
| DimscaleSource | 60 | |
| FixedExtensionLength | 61 | |
| FixedExtensionOn | 62 | |
| TextRotation | 63 | |
| SuppressArrow1 | 64 | |
| SuppressArrow2 | 65 | |
| TextmoveLeader | 66 | |
| ArclengthSymbol | 67 | |
| StackTextheightScale | 68 | |
| StackFormat | 69 | |
| AltRound | 70 | |
| Round | 71 | |
| AngularRound | 72 | |
| AltZeroSuppress | 73 | |
| AngleZeroSuppress | 75 | |
| ZeroSuppress | 76 | |
| AltBelow | 77 | |
| ArrowType1 | 78 | |
| ArrowType2 | 79 | |
| LeaderArrowType | 80 | |
| ArrowBlockId1 | 81 | |
| ArrowBlockId2 | 82 | |
| LeaderArrowBlock | 83 | |
| DimRadialTextLocation | 84 | Radial dimension text location above/in/below |
| TextVerticalAlignment | 85 | |
| LeaderTextVerticalAlignment | 86 | |
| LeaderContentAngleStyle | 87 | |
| LeaderCurveType | 88 | |
| LeaderContentAngle | 89 | |
| LeaderHasLanding | 90 | |
| LeaderLandingLength | 91 | |
| MaskFlags | 92 | |
| CentermarkStyle | 93 | |
| TextHorizontalAlignment | 94 | |
| LeaderTextHorizontalAlignment | 95 | |
| DrawForward | 96 | |
| SignedOrdinate | 97 | |
| UnitSystem | 98 |
Unit system for dimension rendering sizes like TextHeight, TextGap, ArrowSize, ExtOffset,
and dozens of other properties that control the appearance and placement of the components
used to render a dimension.
| TextMask | 99 | |
| TextOrientation | 100 | |
| LeaderTextOrientation | 101 | |
| DimTextOrientation | 102 | |
| DimRadialTextOrientation | 103 | |
| DimTextAngleStyle | 104 | |
| DimRadialTextAngleStyle | 105 | |
| TextUnderlined | 106 | |
| DimensionLengthDisplay | 109 |
Dimension length display. See ON_DimStyle::DimensionLengthDisplay() for a description of this parameter.
| AlternateDimensionLengthDisplay | 110 |
Alternate dimension length display. See ON_DimStyle::AlternateDimensionLengthDisplay() for a description of this parameter.
| ForceDimLine | 111 |
Force dimension line to draw when text is moved outside
| ArrowFit | 112 |
Arrow position when arrows won't fit between extensions
| TextFit | 113 |
Text position when text won't fit between extensions
| DecimalSeparator | 114 |
Character to use for decimal separator in dimension text
| Count | 115 | Every enum UINT value that identifies a valid dimension style property is less than the UINT value of Count. |
See Also