| Name | Description |
 | AddChild |
Call this method to add a new child key, if the key is exists then the
existing key is returned otherwise a new empty PersistentSettings
child key is added and the new settings are returned.
 | ClearChangedFlag | |
 | ContainsChangedValues | |
 | ContainsModifiedValues | |
 | DeleteChild |
Call this method to delete a child settings key.
 | DeleteItem | |
 | Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) |
  | FromPlugInId | |
 | GetBool(String) | |
 | GetBool(String, Boolean) | |
 | GetBool(String, Boolean, IEnumerableString) | |
 | GetByte(String) | |
 | GetByte(String, Byte) | |
 | GetByte(String, Byte, IEnumerableString) | |
 | GetChar(String) | |
 | GetChar(String, Char) | |
 | GetChar(String, Char, IEnumerableString) | |
 | GetChild |
Call this method to get a nested settings PersistentSettings
instance, will throw a KeyNotFoundException exception if
the key does not exist.
 | GetColor(String) | |
 | GetColor(String, Color) | |
 | GetColor(String, NullableColor) | |
 | GetColor(String, Color, IEnumerableString) | |
 | GetColor(String, NullableColor, IEnumerableString) | |
 | GetDate(String) | |
 | GetDate(String, DateTime) | |
 | GetDate(String, DateTime, IEnumerableString) | |
 | GetDouble(String) | |
 | GetDouble(String, Double) | |
 | GetDouble(String, Double, IEnumerableString) | |
 | GetEnumValueT(T) |
Get a stored enumerated value, or return default value if not found
 | GetEnumValueT(String) |
Get a stored enumerated value using a custom key.
 | GetEnumValueT(String, T) |
Gets a stored enumerated value using a custom key, or return default value if not found.
 | GetGuid(String) | |
 | GetGuid(String, Guid) | |
 | GetGuid(String, Guid, IEnumerableString) | |
 | GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | GetInteger(String) | |
 | GetInteger(String, Int32) | |
 | GetInteger(String, Int32, IEnumerableString) | |
 | GetInteger(String, Int32, Int32, Boolean) | |
 | GetInteger(String, Int32, Int32, Int32) | |
 | GetPoint(String) | |
 | GetPoint(String, Point) | |
 | GetPoint(String, Point, IEnumerableString) | |
 | GetPoint3d(String) | |
 | GetPoint3d(String, Point3d) | |
 | GetPoint3d(String, Point3d, IEnumerableString) | |
 | GetRectangle(String) | |
 | GetRectangle(String, Rectangle) | |
 | GetRectangle(String, Rectangle, IEnumerableString) | |
 | GetSettingIsHiddenFromUserInterface(String) |
Values read from all users settings files will be marked as read-only
which will cause any future calls to Set... to fail.
 | GetSettingIsHiddenFromUserInterface(String, IEnumerableString) |
Values read from all users settings files will be marked as read-only
which will cause any future calls to Set... to fail.
 | GetSettingIsReadOnly |
Values read from all users settings files will be marked as read-only
which will cause any future calls to Set... to fail.
 | GetSettingType |
Gets the type of the last value passed to Set... or Get... for the
specified setting.
 | GetSize(String) | |
 | GetSize(String, Size) | |
 | GetSize(String, Size, IEnumerableString) | |
 | GetString(String) | |
 | GetString(String, String) | |
 | GetString(String, String, IEnumerableString) | |
 | GetStringDictionary(String) | |
 | GetStringDictionary(String, KeyValuePairString, String) | |
 | GetStringDictionary(String, KeyValuePairString, String, IEnumerableString) | |
 | GetStringList(String) | |
 | GetStringList(String, String) | |
 | GetStringList(String, String, IEnumerableString) | |
 | GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | GetUnsignedInteger(String) | |
 | GetUnsignedInteger(String, UInt32) | |
 | GetUnsignedInteger(String, UInt32, IEnumerableString) | |
 | GetValidatorT |
Provides a way to find a ready-to-use validator for the
PersistentSetting class for the given the key, or obtaining null.
 | HideSettingFromUserInterface | |
 | MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | RegisterSettingsValidatorT |
Sets a validator for a given key.
Note to implementers: T should be one of the
supported types for the PersistentSettings class and should match the type associated with the key. This method allows to use anonymous methods and lambda expressions. |
 | SetBool | |
 | SetByte | |
 | SetChar | |
 | SetColor(String, Color) | |
 | SetColor(String, NullableColor) | |
 | SetDate | |
 | SetDefault(String, Point3d) | |
 | SetDefault(String, Boolean) | |
 | SetDefault(String, Byte) | |
 | SetDefault(String, Char) | |
 | SetDefault(String, KeyValuePairString, String) | |
 | SetDefault(String, DateTime) | |
 | SetDefault(String, Double) | |
 | SetDefault(String, Color) | |
 | SetDefault(String, Point) | |
 | SetDefault(String, Rectangle) | |
 | SetDefault(String, Size) | |
 | SetDefault(String, Guid) | |
 | SetDefault(String, Int32) | |
 | SetDefault(String, NullableColor) | |
 | SetDefault(String, String) | |
 | SetDefault(String, String) | |
 | SetDouble | |
 | SetEnumValueT(T) |
Set an enumerated value in the settings.
 | SetEnumValueT(String, T) |
Set an enumerated value in the settings using a custom key
 | SetGuid | |
 | SetInteger | |
 | SetPoint | |
 | SetPoint3d | |
 | SetRectangle | |
 | SetSize | |
 | SetString | |
 | SetStringDictionary | |
 | SetStringList |
Including a item with the value of StringListRootKey will cause the ProgramData value to get inserted at
that location in the list when calling GetStringList.
 | SetUnsignedInteger | |
 | ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | TryGetBool(String, Boolean) | |
 | TryGetBool(String, Boolean, IEnumerableString) | |
 | TryGetByte(String, Byte) | |
 | TryGetByte(String, Byte, IEnumerableString) | |
 | TryGetChar(String, Char) | |
 | TryGetChar(String, Char, IEnumerableString) | |
 | TryGetChild |
Call this method to get a nested settings PersistentSettings
instance, will return true if the key exists and value was set
otherwise; will return false and value will be set to null.
 | TryGetColor(String, Color) | |
 | TryGetColor(String, NullableColor) | |
 | TryGetColor(String, Color, IEnumerableString) | |
 | TryGetColor(String, NullableColor, IEnumerableString) | |
 | TryGetDate(String, DateTime) | |
 | TryGetDate(String, DateTime, IEnumerableString) | |
 | TryGetDefault(String, Point3d) | |
 | TryGetDefault(String, Boolean) | |
 | TryGetDefault(String, Byte) | |
 | TryGetDefault(String, Char) | |
 | TryGetDefault(String, DateTime) | |
 | TryGetDefault(String, Double) | |
 | TryGetDefault(String, Color) | |
 | TryGetDefault(String, Rectangle) | |
 | TryGetDefault(String, Size) | |
 | TryGetDefault(String, Int32) | |
 | TryGetDefault(String, String) | |
 | TryGetDefault(String, String) | |
 | TryGetDouble(String, Double) | |
 | TryGetDouble(String, Double, IEnumerableString) | |
 | TryGetEnumValueT |
Attempt to get the stored value for an enumerated setting using a custom key. Note: the enumerated value ALWAYS gets assigned!
Be sure to check for success of this method to prevent erroneous use of the value.
 | TryGetGuid(String, Guid) | |
 | TryGetGuid(String, Guid, IEnumerableString) | |
 | TryGetInteger(String, Int32) | |
 | TryGetInteger(String, Int32, IEnumerableString) | |
 | TryGetPoint(String, Point) | |
 | TryGetPoint(String, Point, IEnumerableString) | |
 | TryGetPoint3d(String, Point3d) | |
 | TryGetPoint3d(String, Point3d, IEnumerableString) | |
 | TryGetRectangle(String, Rectangle) | |
 | TryGetRectangle(String, Rectangle, IEnumerableString) | |
 | TryGetSettingIsHiddenFromUserInterface(String, Boolean) |
Values read from all users settings files will be marked as read-only
which will cause any future calls to Set... to fail.
 | TryGetSettingIsHiddenFromUserInterface(String, Boolean, IEnumerableString) |
Values read from all users settings files will be marked as read-only
which will cause any future calls to Set... to fail.
 | TryGetSettingIsReadOnly |
Values read from all users settings files will be marked as read-only
which will cause any future calls to Set... to fail.
 | TryGetSettingType |
Get the type of the last value passed to Set... or Get... for the
specified setting.
 | TryGetSize(String, Size) | |
 | TryGetSize(String, Size, IEnumerableString) | |
 | TryGetString(String, String) | |
 | TryGetString(String, String, IEnumerableString) | |
 | TryGetStringDictionary(String, KeyValuePairString, String) | |
 | TryGetStringDictionary(String, KeyValuePairString, String, IEnumerableString) | |
 | TryGetStringList(String, String) | |
 | TryGetStringList(String, String, IEnumerableString) | |
 | TryGetUnsignedInteger(String, UInt32) | |
 | TryGetUnsignedInteger(String, UInt32, IEnumerableString) | |