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Surface Methods

The Surface type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleClosestPoint
Input the parameters of the point on the surface that is closest to testPoint.
Public methodClosestSide
Gets the side that is closest, in terms of 3D-distance, to a U and V parameter.
Public methodComponentIndex
If this piece of geometry is a component in something larger, like a BrepEdge in a Brep, then this function returns the component index.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Protected methodConstructConstObject
Assigns a parent object and a sub-object index to this.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodStatic memberCreateExtrusion
Constructs a surface by extruding a curve along a vector.
Public methodStatic memberCreateExtrusionToPoint
Constructs a surface by extruding a curve to a point.
Public methodStatic memberCreatePeriodicSurface(Surface, Int32)
Constructs a periodic surface from a base surface and a direction.
Public methodStatic memberCreatePeriodicSurface(Surface, Int32, Boolean)
Constructs a periodic surface from a base surface and a direction.
Public methodStatic memberCreateRollingBallFillet(Surface, Surface, Double, Double)
Constructs a rolling ball fillet between two surfaces.
Public methodStatic memberCreateRollingBallFillet(Surface, Point2d, Surface, Point2d, Double, Double)
Constructs a rolling ball fillet between two surfaces.
Public methodStatic memberCreateRollingBallFillet(Surface, Boolean, Surface, Boolean, Double, Double)
Constructs a rolling ball fillet between two surfaces.
Public methodStatic memberCreateSoftEditSurface
Creates a soft edited surface from an existing surface using a smooth field of influence.
Public methodCode exampleCurvatureAt
Computes the curvature at the given UV coordinate.
Public methodDataCRC
Returns a CRC calculated from the information that defines the object. This CRC can be used as a quick way to see if two objects are not identical.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodDegree
Returns the maximum algebraic degree of any span (or a good estimate if curve spans are not algebraic).
Public methodDeleteAllUserStrings (Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodDeleteUserString (Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodDispose
Actively reclaims unmanaged resources that this instance uses.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Overridden in order to destroy local display cache information
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodDomain
Gets the domain in a direction.
Public methodDuplicate
Constructs a deep (full) copy of this object.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodDuplicateShallow
Constructs a light copy of this object. By "light", it is meant that the same underlying data is used until something is done to attempt to change it. For example, you could have a shallow copy of a very heavy mesh object and the same underlying data will be used when doing things like inspecting the number of faces on the mesh. If you modify the location of one of the mesh vertices, the shallow copy will create a full duplicate of the underlying mesh data and the shallow copy will become a deep copy.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodEnsurePrivateCopy
If you want to keep a copy of this class around by holding onto it in a variable after a command completes, call EnsurePrivateCopy to make sure that this class is not tied to the document. You can call this function as many times as you want.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodEvaluate
Evaluates a surface mathematically.
Public methodExtend(Int32, Interval)
Analytically extends the surface to include the interval.
Public methodExtend(IsoStatus, Double, Boolean)
Extends an untrimmed surface along one edge.
Protected methodFinalize
Passively reclaims unmanaged resources when the class user did not explicitly call Dispose().
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodFit
Fits a new surface through an existing surface.
Public methodFitCurveToSurface
Public methodCode exampleFrameAt
Computes the orient plane on a surface given a U and V parameter.

This is the simple evaluation call with no error handling.

Public methodCode exampleGetBoundingBox(Boolean)
Bounding box solver. Gets the world axis aligned bounding box for the geometry.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodCode exampleGetBoundingBox(Plane)
Aligned Bounding box solver. Gets the plane aligned bounding box.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodGetBoundingBox(Transform)
Aligned Bounding box solver. Gets the world axis aligned bounding box for the transformed geometry.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodGetBoundingBox(Plane, Box)
Aligned Bounding box solver. Gets the plane aligned bounding box.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetNextDiscontinuity(Int32, Continuity, Double, Double, Double)
Searches for a derivative, tangent, or curvature discontinuity.
Public methodGetNextDiscontinuity(Int32, Continuity, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
Searches for a derivative, tangent, or curvature discontinuity.
Public methodGetNurbsFormParameterFromSurfaceParameter
Translates a parameter from the current surface to the parameter space of the surface returned by ToNurbsSurface.
Public methodGetObjectData
Populates a System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodGetSpanVector
Gets array of span "knots".
Public methodGetSurfaceParameterFromNurbsFormParameter
Translates a parameter from a value on the surface returned by ToNurbsSurface to the current surface.
Public methodCode exampleGetSurfaceSize
Gets an estimate of the size of the rectangle that would be created if the 3d surface where flattened into a rectangle.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUserString
Gets user string from this geometry.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodGetUserStrings
Gets a copy of all (user key string, user value string) pairs attached to this geometry.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodHasNurbsForm
Is there a NURBS surface representation of this surface.
Public methodInterpolatedCurveOnSurface
Constructs an interpolated curve on a surface, using 3D points.
Public methodInterpolatedCurveOnSurfaceUV(IEnumerablePoint2d, Double)
Returns a curve that interpolates points on a surface. The interpolant lies on the surface.
Public methodInterpolatedCurveOnSurfaceUV(IEnumerablePoint2d, Double, Boolean, Int32)
Returns a curve that interpolates points on a surface. The interpolant lies on the surface.
Public methodIsAtSeam
Tests if a surface parameter value is at a seam.
Public methodIsAtSingularity
Tests if a surface parameter value is at a singularity.
Public methodIsClosed
Gets a value indicating if the surface is closed in a direction.
Public methodIsCone
Determines if the surface is a portion of a cone within RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance.
Public methodIsCone(Double)
Determines if the surface is a portion of a cone within a given tolerance.
Public methodIsContinuous
Tests continuity at a surface parameter value.
Public methodIsCylinder
Determines if the surface is a portion of a cylinder within RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance.
Public methodIsCylinder(Double)
Determines if the surface is a portion of a cylinder within a given tolerance.
Public methodIsIsoparametric(BoundingBox)
Determines if a 2d bounding box is isoparametric in the parameter space of this surface.
Public methodIsIsoparametric(Curve)
Determines if a 2d curve is isoparametric in the parameter space of this surface.
Public methodIsIsoparametric(Curve, Interval)
Determines if a 2D curve is isoparametric in the parameter space of this surface.
Public methodCode exampleIsoCurve
Gets isoparametric curve.
Public methodIsPeriodic
Gets a value indicating if the surface is periodic in a direction (default is false).
Public methodCode exampleIsPlanar
Tests a surface to see if it is planar to zero tolerance.
Public methodIsPlanar(Double)
Tests a surface to see if it is planar to a given tolerance.
Public methodIsSingular
true if surface side is collapsed to a point.
Public methodIsSphere
Determines if the surface is a portion of a sphere within RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance.
Public methodIsSphere(Double)
Determines if the surface is a portion of a sphere within a given tolerance.
Public methodIsTorus
Determines if the surface is a portion of a torus within RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance.
Public methodIsTorus(Double)
Determines if the surface is a portion of a torus within a given tolerance.
Public methodIsValidWithLog
Determines if an object is valid. Also provides a report on errors if this object happens not to be valid.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodLocalClosestPoint
Find parameters of the point on a surface that is locally closest to the testPoint. The search for a local close point starts at seed parameters.
Public methodMakeDeformable
If possible, converts the object into a form that can be accurately modified with "squishy" transformations like projections, shears, an non-uniform scaling.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMemoryEstimate
Computes an estimate of the number of bytes that this object is using in memory.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Protected methodNonConstOperation
Destroy cache handle
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodCode exampleNormalAt
Computes the surface normal at a point.

This is the simple evaluation call - it does not support error handling.

Public methodOffset
Constructs a new surface which is offset from the current surface.
Protected methodOnSwitchToNonConst
Is called when a non-constant operation occurs.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodPointAt
Evaluates a point at a given parameter.
Public methodPullback(Curve, Double)
Pulls a 3d curve back to the surface's parameter space.
Public methodPullback(Curve, Double, Interval)
Pulls a 3d curve back to the surface's parameter space.
Public methodPushup(Curve, Double)
Computes a 3d curve that is the composite of a 2d curve and the surface map.
Public methodPushup(Curve, Double, Interval)
Computes a 3d curve that is the composite of a 2d curve and the surface map.
Public methodRebuild
Rebuilds an existing surface to a given degree and point count.
Public methodRebuildOneDirection
Rebuilds an existing surface with a new surface to a given point count in either the u or v directions independently.
Public methodRefitSimplySplitSurface
This routine accepts a 3-d trim curve (trimCrv3d). The trim curve is assumed to run from one surface edge to the opposite edge; this is referred to as a "simple" trim curve, roughly parallel to one of the srf directions (either u or v). We refer to that parameter as the "trim parameter". The routine splits the surface via the trim curve, and then refits either side ("upper" = "above the trim", and "lower" = "below the trim") as a set of untrimmed Nurbs surfaces. The idea is to retain, as much as possible, the Nurbs structure of srf, especially in the trim parameter.
Public methodRefitSplit
Splits the surface into two and refits the split edge
Public methodReverse(Int32)
Reverses parameterization Domain changes from [a,b] to [-b,-a]
Public methodReverse(Int32, Boolean)
Same as Reverse, but if inPlace is set to true this Surface is modified instead of a new copy being created.
Public methodRotate
Rotates the object about the specified axis. A positive rotation angle results in a counter-clockwise rotation about the axis (right hand rule).
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodScale
Scales the object by the specified factor. The scale is centered at the origin.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodSetDomain
Sets the domain in a direction.
Public methodSetUserString
Attach a user string (key,value combination) to this geometry.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodShortPath
Constructs a geodesic between 2 points, used by ShortPath command in Rhino.
Public methodSmooth(Double, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SmoothingCoordinateSystem)
Smooths a surface by averaging the positions of control points in a specified region.
Public methodSmooth(Double, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SmoothingCoordinateSystem, Plane)
Smooths a surface by averaging the positions of control points in a specified region.
Public methodSpanCount
Gets number of smooth nonempty spans in the parameter direction.
Public methodSplit
Splits (divides) the surface into two parts at the specified parameter
Public methodToBrep
Converts the surface into a Brep.
Public methodToJSON
Create a JSON string representation of this object
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodToNurbsSurface
Gets a NURBS surface representation of this surface. Default tolerance of 0.0 is used.
Public methodToNurbsSurface(Double, Int32)
Gets a NURBS surface representation of this surface.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTransform
Transforms the geometry. If the input Transform has a SimilarityType of OrientationReversing, you may want to consider flipping the transformed geometry after calling this function when it makes sense. For example, you may want to call Flip() on a Brep after transforming it.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodTranslate(Vector3d)
Translates the object along the specified vector.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodTranslate(Double, Double, Double)
Translates the object along the specified vector.
(Inherited from GeometryBase.)
Public methodTranspose
Transposes surface parameterization (swap U and V)
Public methodTranspose(Boolean)
Transposes surface parameterization (swap U and V)
Public methodTrim
Constructs a sub-surface that covers the specified UV trimming domain.
Public methodTryGetCone(Cone)
Tests a surface to see if it is a portion of a cone within RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance and return the cone.
Public methodTryGetCone(Cone, Double)
Tests a surface to see if it is a portion of a cone and returns the cone.
Public methodTryGetCylinder(Cylinder)
Tests a surface to see if it is a portion of a cylinder within RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance and return the cylinder.
Public methodTryGetCylinder(Cylinder, Double)
Tests a surface to see if it is a portion of a cylinder and return the infinite cylinder.
Public methodTryGetFiniteCylinder
Tests a surface with the assumption that it might be a right circular cylinder and returns this geometry.
Public methodTryGetPlane(Plane)
Tests a surface for planarity and return the plane.
Public methodCode exampleTryGetPlane(Plane, Double)
Tests a surface for planarity and return the plane.
Public methodTryGetSphere(Sphere)
Test a surface to see if it is a portion of a sphere and return the sphere.
Public methodTryGetSphere(Sphere, Double)
Test a surface to see if it is a portion of a sphere and return the sphere.
Public methodTryGetTorus(Torus)
Tests a surface to see if it is a portion of a torus within RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance and returns the torus.
Public methodTryGetTorus(Torus, Double)
Tests a surface to see if it is a portion of a torus and returns the torus.
Public methodVariableOffset(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
Copies a surface so that all locations at the corners of the copied surface are specified distances from the original surface.
Public methodVariableOffset(Double, Double, Double, Double, IEnumerablePoint2d, IEnumerableDouble, Double)
Copies a surface so that all locations at the corners, and from specified interior locations, of the copied surface are specified distances from the original surface.
See Also