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ViewSettingsViewRotationStyle Enumeration

View rotation styles.

Namespace:  Rhino.ApplicationSettings
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 8.1
public enum ViewRotationStyle
  Member nameValueDescription
RotateAroundWorldAxes0 Makes the view rotate relative to the world axes. You can use the tilt keys to rotate the view around the view depth axis.
RotateRelativeToView1 Makes the view rotate relative to the view axes rather than the model x, y, and z axes.
RotateRelativeToViewV2Style2 The view rotation is always relative to the previous dynamic view.
RotateAroundCplaneZaxis3 Makes the view (RotateView command) or camera (RotateCamera command) rotate around the construction plane z-axis.
See Also