Contains enumerated constant values to represent logical colors associated with elements of the user interface.
RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
SyntaxPublic Enumeration PaintColor
| Member name | Value | Description |
| NormalStart | 0 | Gradient start for active toolbar tab and non-client area of Rhino. |
| NormalEnd | 1 | Gradient end for active toolbar tab and non-client area of Rhino. |
| NormalBorder | 2 | Edge color used for grippers, toolbar border, resize bars, status bar pane borders. |
| HotStart | 3 | Gradient start for inactive toolbar tab. |
| HotEnd | 4 | Gradient end for inactive toolbar tab. |
| HotBorder | 5 | Inactive toolbar tab border. |
| PressedStart | 6 | Pressed gradient start. |
| PressedEnd | 7 | Pressed gradient end. |
| PressedBorder | 8 | Pressed border. |
| TextEnabled | 9 | Toolbar tab text and status bar text. |
| TextDisabled | 10 | Disabled text color. |
| MouseOverControlStart | 11 | Color for hovering gradient start. |
| MouseOverControlEnd | 12 | Color for hovering gradient end. |
| MouseOverControlBorder | 13 | Color for hovering border. |
| ActiveCaption | 14 | Active floating window non-client area |
| InactiveCaption | 15 | Inactive floating window non-client area |
| PanelBackground | 16 | Background color of panels |
| ActiveViewportTitle | 17 | Active viewport title. |
| InactiveViewportTitle | 18 | Inactive viewport title. |
| ModifiedValueControlColor | 19 | Modified property value label text color |
| EditBoxBackground | 20 | Background fill for input elements (edit box, checkbox) |
| GridLinesOnPanelBackground | 21 | Grid lines on panel background color |
| GridLinesOnEditBoxBackground | 22 | Grid lines on edit box background color |
| InactiveTabBackground | 23 | Fill for inactive tabs |
See Also