GH_ObjectSpecies Enumeration |
Contains all object species.
Grasshopper (in Grasshopper.dll)
public enum GH_ObjectSpecies
Public Enumeration GH_ObjectSpecies
| Member name | Value | Description |
| none | 0 |
Indicates no object type
| doc_object | 1 |
Represents any object that implements IGH_DocumentObject
| parameter | 16 |
Indicates classes that implement IGH_Param
| component | 32 |
Indicates classes that implement IGH_Component
| group | 64 |
Indicates classes of type GH_Group
| wire | 128 |
Currently this is not yet an object type.
| grip_in | 256 |
Represents an input grip.
| grip_out | 512 |
Represents an output grip.
| grip | 768 |
Represents an input or output grip.
| balloon | 1024 |
Represents an attribute balloon.
| any | 4294967295 |
Indicates all object types.
See Also