Lists the different kinds of GUI exposure an object can have.
Grasshopper (in Grasshopper.dll)
public enum GH_Exposure
Public Enumeration GH_Exposure
| Member name | Value | Description |
| hidden | -1 |
Do not expose the object anywhere. This is useful for legacy components.
| primary | 2 |
Expose the object in the first section on the toolbar.
| secondary | 4 |
Expose the object in the second section on the toolbar.
| tertiary | 8 |
Expose the object in the third section on the toolbar.
| quarternary | 16 |
Expose the object in the fourth section on the toolbar.
| quinary | 32 |
Expose the object in the fifth section on the toolbar.
| senary | 64 |
Expose the object in the sixth section on the toolbar.
| septenary | 128 |
Expose the object in the seventh section on the toolbar.
| octonary | 256 |
Expose the object in the eighth section on the toolbar.
| last | 256 |
This exposure will be the last subcategory available.
| obscure | 65536 |
Mark the object as obscure.
Use this option for components which are unlikely to be used often.
You must combine obscure with one of the other flags (except hidden).
Objects which are marked as Obscure will be the first to disappear when a ribbon
resizes and they will always appear at the end of a panel.
See Also