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IGH_InstanceDescription Interface

Base interface for all objects that participate in the Grasshopper GUI.

Namespace:  Grasshopper.Kernel
Assembly:  Grasshopper (in Grasshopper.dll)
public interface IGH_InstanceDescription : GH_ISerializable

The IGH_InstanceDescription type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCategory
Gets or sets the Category in which this object belongs. If HasCategory() returns false, this field has no meaning.
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the description of the object. This field typically remains fixed during the lifetime of an object.
Public propertyHasCategory
Gets whether or not the Category field has been set.
Public propertyHasSubCategory
Gets whether or not the SubCategory field has been set.
Public propertyInstanceDescription
Gets a description of the current state of the object. This field is usually the same as the Description() field, but it might be variable when overridden.
Public propertyInstanceGuid
Gets the ID of this runtime instance.
Public propertyKeywords
Gets a list of additional keywords that describe the object. Typically this list is empty but you can override this property to aid in object searches.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the object. This field typically remains fixed during the lifetime of an object.
Public propertyNickName
Gets or sets the nickname of the object. This field can be changed by the user.
Public propertySubCategory
Gets or sets the SubCategory in which this object belongs. If HasSubCategory() returns false, this field has no meaning.
Public methodNewInstanceGuid
Generate a new random instance GUID
Public methodNewInstanceGuid(Guid)
Set the instance ID to be a specific GUID. This is very dangerous, only use this function if you're 6"4' and called David.
Public methodRead
This method is called whenever the instance is required to deserialize itself.
(Inherited from GH_ISerializable.)
Public methodWrite
This method is called whenever the instance is required to serialize itself.
(Inherited from GH_ISerializable.)