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CustomGripObject Class

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Rhino.DocObjects.Custom.CustomGripObject"]

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Rhino.DocObjects.Custom
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
public class CustomGripObject : GripObject, 

The CustomGripObject type exposes the following members.

Public methodCustomGripObject
Initializes a new instance of the CustomGripObject class
Public propertyAttributes
Gets or sets the object attributes.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyComponentStatus
Gets or sets the component status of the model component.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyComponentType
Returns ModelGeometry.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyCurrentLocation (Inherited from GripObject.)
Public propertyDeletedName
Gets the name of a component that is deleted.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyDisposed
Indicates if this object has been disposed or the document it originally belonged to has been disposed.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyDocument
Gets the document that owns this object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyGeometry
Gets the underlying geometry for this object.

All rhino objects are composed of geometry and attributes.

(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyGripsOn
Gets or sets the activation state of object default editing grips.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyGripsSelected
true if grips are turned on and at least one is selected.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyGroupCount
Number of groups object belongs to.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyHasDynamicTransform
True if the object has a dynamic transformation
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyHasId
Returns a value indicating whether the component has an ID.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyHasIndex
Returns a value indicating whether the component has an Index.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyHasName
Returns a value indicating whether the component has a Name.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyHasSubobjectMaterials
Will be true if the object contains sub object meshes with materials that are different than the top level object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyHasUserData
Gets true if this class has any custom information attached to it through UserData.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyId
Every object has a Guid (globally unique identifier, also known as UUID, or universally unique identifier). The default value is Guid.Empty.

When an object is added to a model, the value is checked. If the value is Guid.Empty, a new Guid is created. If the value is not null but it is already used by another object in the model, a new Guid is created. If the value is not Guid.Empty and it is not used by another object in the model, then that value persists. When an object is updated, by a move for example, the value of ObjectId persists.

This value is the same as the one returned by this.Attributes.ObjectId.

(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyIdIsLocked
Returns a value indicating whether the component ID is already locked.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyIndex
Public propertyIndexIsLocked
Returns a value indicating whether the component Index is already locked.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyInstanceDefinitionModelSerialNumber
When a component is in a model as part of the information required for a linked instance definition, this value identifies the linked instance definition reference model.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyIsComponentStatusLocked
The component status itself can be locked. This returns an indication.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyIsDeletable
Some objects cannot be deleted, like grips on lights and annotation objects.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyIsDeleted
true if the object is deleted. Deleted objects are kept by the document for undo purposes. Call RhinoDoc.UndeleteObject to undelete an object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyIsDocumentControlled
If true this object may not be modified. Any properties or functions that attempt to modify this object when it is set to "IsReadOnly" will throw a NotSupportedException.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyIsHidden
An object must be in one of three modes: normal, locked or hidden. If an object is in normal mode, then the object's layer controls visibility and selectability. If an object is locked, then the object's layer controls visibility by the object cannot be selected. If the object is hidden, it is not visible and it cannot be selected.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyIsInstanceDefinitionGeometry
true if the object is used as part of an instance definition.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyIsLocked
An object must be in one of three modes: normal, locked or hidden. If an object is in normal mode, then the object's layer controls visibility and selectability. If an object is locked, then the object's layer controls visibility by the object cannot be selected. If the object is hidden, it is not visible and it cannot be selected.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyIsNormal
An object must be in one of three modes: normal, locked or hidden. If an object is in normal mode, then the object's layer controls visibility and selectability. If an object is locked, then the object's layer controls visibility by the object cannot be selected. If the object is hidden, it is not visible and it cannot be selected.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyIsPictureFrame
Returns true if the object is a picture frame. A picture frame object is an object that displays a texture map in all views.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyIsReference
Gets a value indicating if an object is a reference object. An object from a work session reference model is a reference object and cannot be modified. An object is a reference object if, and only if, it is on a reference layer.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyIsSolid
Returns true if object is a closed solid, otherwise false.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyIsSystemComponent
True if this model component is a system constant.

An incomplete list of system constant model components is below:

  • ON_ModelComponent::Unset

  • ON_InstanceDefinition::Empty

  • ON_Linetype::Unset
  • ON_Linetype::Continuous
  • ON_Linetype::ByLayer
  • ON_Linetype::ByParent

  • ON_Layer::Unset
  • ON_Layer::Default

  • ON_TextStyle::Unset
  • ON_TextStyle::Default
  • ON_TextStyle::ByLayer
  • ON_TextStyle::ByParent

  • ON_DimStyle::Unset
  • ON_DimStyle::Default
  • ON_DimStyle::DefaultInchDecimal
  • ON_DimStyle::DefaultInchFractional
  • ON_DimStyle::DefaultFootInchArchitecture
  • ON_DimStyle::DefaultMillimeterSmall
  • ON_DimStyle::DefaultMillimeterLarge
  • ON_DimStyle::DefaultMillimeterArchitecture
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyIsValid
Tests an object to see if it is valid.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyModelSerialNumber
A value identifying the model that manages this component.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyMoved
true if the grip has moved from OriginalLocation.
(Inherited from GripObject.)
Public propertyName
Rhino objects have optional text names. More than one object in a model can have the same name and some objects may have no name.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyNameIsLocked
Returns a value indicating whether the component Name is already locked.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyObjectType
Gets the Rhino-based object type.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyOriginalLocation
Public propertyOwnerId (Inherited from GripObject.)
Public propertyReferenceModelSerialNumber
When a component is in a model for reference, this value identifies the reference model.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyRenderMaterial
Gets the render material associated with this object or null if there is none. This does not pay attention to the material source and will not check parent objects or layers for a RenderMaterial.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyRuntimeSerialNumber
Gets the objects runtime serial number.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertySubobjectMaterialComponents
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyUserData
List of custom information that is attached to this class.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyUserDictionary
Dictionary of custom information attached to this class. The dictionary is actually user data provided as an easy to use shareable set of information.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyVisible
Gets the object visibility.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public propertyWeight (Overrides GripObjectWeight.)
Public methodClearId
Resets the HasId property of the model component to false, if possible.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public methodClearIndex
Resets the HasIndex property of the model component to false, if possible.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public methodClearName
Resets the HasName property of the model component to false, if possible.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public methodCode exampleCommitChanges
Moves changes made to this RhinoObject into the RhinoDoc.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Protected methodConstructConstObject
Assigns a parent object and a sub-object index to this.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodCopyHistoryOnReplace
Gets the setting of the CopyOnReplace field in this object's history
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodCreateMeshes
Create meshes used to render and analyze surface and polysurface objects.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodCustomRenderMeshesBoundingBox
Returns the bounding box of custom render primitives for this object .
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodDataCRC
Increments the Cyclic Redundancy Check value by this instance.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public methodDescription
Get a brief description of a object, including it's attributes and geometry.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the CustomGripObject
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the CustomGripObject and optionally releases the managed resources
(Overrides CommonObjectDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodCode exampleDuplicateGeometry
Constructs a deep (full) copy of the geometry.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodEnableCustomGrips
Turns on/off the object's editing grips.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodEnableVisualAnalysisMode
Used to turn analysis modes on and off.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodEnsurePrivateCopy
If you want to keep a copy of this class around by holding onto it in a variable after a command completes, call EnsurePrivateCopy to make sure that this class is not tied to the document. You can call this function as many times as you want.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Overrides CommonObjectFinalize.)
Public methodGetActiveVisualAnalysisModes
Gets a list of currently enabled analysis modes for this object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Protected methodGetBoundingBox
Called when Rhino wants the bounding box of this object. Viewpoert can be null. This is the default base class version that will go through to the C++ base class if it is called from the custom object
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetCageParameters
Retrieves the 2d parameter space values of this GripObject from the cage it's associated with.
(Inherited from GripObject.)
Public methodGetCurveCVIndices
Retrieves the NURBS curve control point indices of this GripObject from the curve it is associated with.
(Inherited from GripObject.)
Public methodGetCurveParameters
Retrieves the 2d parameter space values of this GripObject from the curve it's associated with.
(Inherited from GripObject.)
Public methodGetCustomRenderMeshParameter
Query the object for the value of a given named custom render mesh parameter.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetDynamicTransform
While an object is being dynamically transformed (dragged, rotated, ...), the current transformation can be retrieved and used for creating dynamic display.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetGripDirections
Sometimes grips have directions. These directions can have any length and do not have to be orthogonal.
(Inherited from GripObject.)
Public methodGetGrips
Returns grips for this object If grips are enabled. If grips are not enabled, returns null.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetGroupList
Allocates an array of group indices of length GroupCount. If GroupCount is 0, then this method returns null.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHighlightedSubObjects
Gets a list of all highlighted sub-objects.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetMaterial(Boolean)
Gets material that this object uses based on it's attributes and the document that the object is associated with. In the rare case that a document is not associated with this object, null will be returned.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetMaterial(ComponentIndex)
Get the Material associated with the sub object identified by componentIndex if the component index is set to ComponentIndex.Unset then the top level material is returned.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetMaterial(ComponentIndex, Guid)
Get the Material associated with the sub object identified by componentIndex if the component index is set to ComponentIndex.Unset then the top level material is returned.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetMaterial(ComponentIndex, Guid, ObjectAttributes)
Get the Material associated with the sub object identified by componentIndex if the component index is set to ComponentIndex.Unset then the top level material is returned.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetMeshes
Get existing meshes used to render and analyze surface and polysurface objects.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetObjectData
Populates a System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodGetRenderMaterial(Boolean)
Gets the RenderMaterial that this object uses based on it's attributes and the document that the object is associated with. If there is no RenderMaterial associated with this object then null is returned. If null is returned you should call GetMaterial to get the material used to render this object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetRenderMaterial(ComponentIndex)
Gets the RenderMaterial associated with this object if there is one. If there is no RenderMaterial associated with this object then null is returned. If null is returned you should call GetMaterial to get the material used to render this object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetRenderMaterial(ComponentIndex, Guid)
Gets the RenderMaterial associated with this object if there is one. If there is no RenderMaterial associated with this object then null is returned. If null is returned you should call GetMaterial to get the material used to render this object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetRenderMaterial(ComponentIndex, Guid, ObjectAttributes)
Gets the RenderMaterial associated with this object if there is one. If there is no RenderMaterial associated with this object then null is returned. If null is returned you should call GetMaterial to get the material used to render this object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetRenderMeshParameters
Returns the meshing parameters that this object uses for generating render meshes. If this object does not have per-object meshing parameters, then the document's meshing parameters are returned.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetRenderMeshParameters(Boolean)
Returns the meshing parameters that this object uses for generating render meshes.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetRenderPrimitiveList(ViewportInfo, DisplayPipelineAttributes) Obsolete.
Build custom render mesh(es) for this object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetRenderPrimitiveList(ViewportInfo, Boolean) Obsolete.
Build custom render mesh(es) for this object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetSelectedSubObjects
Get a list of all selected sub-objects.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetSubObjects
Explodes the object into sub-objects. It is up to the caller to add the returned objects to the document.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetSurfaceCVIndices
Retrieves the NURBS surface control point indices of this GripObject from the surface it is associated with.
(Inherited from GripObject.)
Public methodGetSurfaceParameters
Retrieves the NURBS surface 2d parameter space values of this GripObject from the surface it's associated with.
(Inherited from GripObject.)
Public methodGetTextureChannels
Get a list of the texture mapping channel Id's associated with object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetTextureMapping(Int32)
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetTextureMapping(Int32, Transform)
Get objects texture mapping
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Protected methodGetTightBoundingBox(BoundingBox, Boolean, Transform)
Get tight bounding box of this Rhino object. The Rhino object is not modified.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHasCustomRenderMeshes
Returns true if the object will has a set of custom render primitives - ie, CustomRenderMeshes will return non-null.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodHasHistoryRecord
Returns whether this object has a history record
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodHasTextureMapping
Returns true if this object has a texture mapping form any source (pluginId)
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodHighlight
Modifies the highlighting of the object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodHighlightSubObject
Highlights a sub-object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodInVisualAnalysisMode
Reports if any visual analysis mode is currently active for an object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodInVisualAnalysisMode(VisualAnalysisMode)
Reports if a visual analysis mode is currently active for an object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodIsActiveInViewport
Determine if this object is active in a particular viewport.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodIsHighlighted
Check highlight state.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodIsMeshable
Returns true if the object is capable of having a mesh of the specified type
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodIsSelectable
Reports if an object can be selected.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodIsSelectable(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Reports if an object can be selected.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodIsSelected
Check selection state.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodIsSubObjectHighlighted
Determines if a sub-object is highlighted.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodIsSubObjectSelectable
Reports if a sub-object can be selected.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodIsSubObjectSelected
Check sub-object selection state.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodIsValidWithLog
Determines if an object is valid. Also provides a report on errors if this object happens not to be valid.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodLockId
Locks the component Id property.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public methodLockIndex
Locks the component Index property.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public methodLockName
Locks the component Name property.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMemoryEstimate
Computes an estimate of the number of bytes that this object is using in memory. Note that this is a runtime memory estimate and does not directly compare to the amount of space take up by the object when saved to a file.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodMeshCount
RhinoObjects can have several different types of meshes and different numbers of meshes. A b-rep can have a render and an analysis mesh on each face. A mesh object has a single render mesh and no analysis mesh. Curve, point, and annotation objects have no meshes.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodMove(Point3d)
Moves the grip to a new location.
(Inherited from GripObject.)
Public methodMove(Transform)
Moves the grip to a new location.
(Inherited from GripObject.)
Public methodMove(Vector3d)
Moves the grip to a new location.
(Inherited from GripObject.)
Public methodNeighborGrip
Used to get a grip's logical neighbors, like NURBS curve, surface, and cage control point grips.
(Inherited from GripObject.)
Public methodNewLocation
Protected methodNonConstOperation
For derived classes implementers.

Defines the necessary implementation to free the instance from being constant.

(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodObjectFrame (Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodObjectFrame(RhinoObjectObjectFrameFlags) (Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Protected methodOnAddToDocument
This call informs an object it is about to be added to the list of active objects in the document.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Protected methodOnDeleteFromDocument
This call informs an object it is about to be deleted. Some objects, like clipping planes, need to do a little extra cleanup before they are deleted.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Protected methodOnDraw
Called when Rhino wants to draw this object
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Protected methodOnDuplicate
Called when this a new instance of this object is created and copied from an existing object
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Protected methodOnPick
Called to determine if this object or some sub-portion of this object should be picked given a pick context.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Protected methodOnPicked
Called when this object has been picked
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Protected methodOnSelectionChanged
Called when the selection state of this object has changed
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Protected methodOnSpaceMorph
Called when a space morph has been applied to the geometry. Currently this only works for CustomMeshObject instances
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Protected methodOnSwitchToNonConst
Is called when a non-constant operation first occurs.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Protected methodOnTransform
Called when a transformation has been applied to the geometry
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodRenderMeshes
Returns a set of custom render primitives for this object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodCode exampleSelect(Boolean)
Selects an object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodSelect(Boolean, Boolean)
Selects an object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodSelect(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Selects an object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodSelectSubObject(ComponentIndex, Boolean, Boolean)
Reports if an object can be selected.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodSelectSubObject(ComponentIndex, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Reports if an object can be selected.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodSetCopyHistoryOnReplace
If this object has a history record, the CopyOnReplace field is set When an object is replaced in a document and the old object has a history record with this field set, the history record is copied and attached to the new object. That allows a descendant object to continue the history linkage after it is edited.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodSetCustomRenderMeshParameter
Set the named custom render mesh parameter value for this object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodSetHistory
For expert use only. Sets the history record that describes how this object was created. This information is used to update this object when Rhino history is enabled and an input object changes.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodSetObjectFrame(Plane) (Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodSetObjectFrame(Transform) (Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodSetRenderMeshParameters
Sets the per-object meshing parameters for this object. When set, this object will use these meshing parameters when generating a render mesh, instead of those provided by the document.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodSetTextureMapping(Int32, TextureMapping)
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodSetTextureMapping(Int32, TextureMapping, Transform)
Sets texture mapping and mapping object transform for a channel
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodShortDescription
Gets a localized short descriptive name of the object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodShortDescriptionWithClosedStatus
Gets a localized short descriptive name of the object, along with it's open/closed status.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodSupportsRenderPrimitiveList(ViewportInfo, DisplayPipelineAttributes) Obsolete.
Determines if custom render meshes will be built for a particular object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodSupportsRenderPrimitiveList(ViewportInfo, Boolean) Obsolete.
Determines if custom render meshes will be built for a particular object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodToJSON
Create a JSON string representation of this object
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public methodToString
Returns the name of the model component type, and then its name and index.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public methodTryGetGumballFrame
If a Rhino object has been manipulated by Rhino's gumball, and the gumball is not in its default position, then the object's repositioned gumball frame is returned.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodTryGetRenderPrimitiveBoundingBox(ViewportInfo, DisplayPipelineAttributes, BoundingBox) Obsolete.
Get the bounding box for the custom render meshes associated with this object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodTryGetRenderPrimitiveBoundingBox(ViewportInfo, Boolean, BoundingBox) Obsolete.
Get the bounding box for the custom render meshes associated with this object.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodUndoMove
Undoes any grip moves made by calling Move.
(Inherited from GripObject.)
Public methodUnhighlightAllSubObjects
Removes highlighting from all sub-objects.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
Public methodUnselectAllSubObjects
Removes selection from all sub-objects.
(Inherited from RhinoObject.)
See Also