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RhinoObjectGetRenderPrimitiveList Method (ViewportInfo, DisplayPipelineAttributes)

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Build custom render mesh(es) for this object.

Namespace:  Rhino.DocObjects
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 6.0
[ObsoleteAttribute("This version is obsolete because it returns the obsolete RenderPrimitiveList - ie, the old school custom render meshes.  Use CustomRenderMeshes instead.")]
public RenderPrimitiveList GetRenderPrimitiveList(
	ViewportInfo viewport,
	DisplayPipelineAttributes attrs


Type: Rhino.DocObjectsViewportInfo
The viewport being rendered.
Type: Rhino.DisplayDisplayPipelineAttributes
Attributes for the view mode you are supplying meshes for. Will be null if this is a modal rendering.

Return Value

Type: RenderPrimitiveList
Returns a RenderPrimitiveList if successful otherwise returns null.
See Also