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MeshCreateConvexHull3D Method

Attempts to create a 3d convex hull mesh from input points.

Namespace:  Rhino.Geometry
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 8.5
public static Mesh CreateConvexHull3D(
	IEnumerable<Point3d> points,
	out int[][] hullFacets,
	double tolerance,
	double angleTolerance


Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerablePoint3d
The 3D input points to be covered with the convex hull. These points must not be coplanar.
Type: SystemInt32
An out parameter of jagged array of indices into the argument point enumerable. Each list item specifies the indices that make up a facet of the convex hull. These indices are not indices into the resulting mesh's indices. Can be the empty jagged array if the resulting mesh is null.
Type: SystemDouble
The tolerance used to decide if points are coplanar or not. Use the document's tolerance if in doubt.
Type: SystemDouble
The angle tolerance used for merging coplanar points into facets. Use the document's angle tolerance in radians if in doubt.

Return Value

Type: Mesh
A valid mesh if successful. If there were too few input points, or the input was coplanar up to the specified tolerance, the result can be null.
See Also