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Rhino.Geometry.Collections Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Rhino.Geometry.Collections"]

Public classBrepCurveList
Provides access to all the underlying curves in a Brep object.
Public classBrepEdgeList
Provides access to all the Edges in a Brep object.
Public classBrepFaceList
Provides access to all the Faces in a Brep object.
Public classBrepLoopList
Provides access to all the Loops in a Brep object.
Public classBrepSurfaceList
Provides access to all the underlying surfaces in a Brep object.
Public classBrepTrimList
Provides access to all the Trims in a Brep object
Public classBrepVertexList
Provides access to all the Vertices in a Brep object
Public classMeshFaceList
Provides access to the faces and Face related functionality of a Mesh.
Public classMeshFaceNormalList
Provides access to the Face normals of a Mesh.
Public classMeshNgonList
Provides access to the ngons and ngon-related functionality of a Mesh. See also the Ngons property for Ngon functionality details.
Public classMeshTextureCoordinateList
Provides access to the Vertex Texture coordinates of a Mesh.
Public classMeshTopologyEdgeList
Represents an entry point to the list of edges in a mesh topology.
Public classMeshTopologyVertexList
Provides access to the mesh topology vertices of a mesh. Topology vertices are sets of vertices in the MeshVertexList that can topologically be considered the same vertex.
Public classMeshVertexColorList
Provides access to the vertex colors of a mesh object.
Public classMeshVertexList
Provides access to the vertices and vertex-related functionality of a mesh.
Public classMeshVertexNormalList
Provides access to the Vertex Normals of a Mesh.
Public classMeshVertexStatusList
Provides access to status information relative to components of a mesh.
Public classNurbsCurveKnotList
Provides access to the knot vector of a NURBS curve.
Public classNurbsCurvePointList
Provides access to the control points of a NURBS curve.
Public classNurbsSurfaceKnotList
Provides access to the knot vector of a NURBS surface.
Public classNurbsSurfacePointList
Provides access to the control points of a NURBS surface.
Public classSubDEdgeList
All edges in a SubD
Public classSubDFaceList
All faces in a SubD
Public classSubDVertexList
Provides access to all the vertices and vertex-related functionality of a SubD