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CustomDisplay Methods

The CustomDisplay type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddArc(Arc)
Adds a new, black arc to the display list.
Public methodAddArc(Arc, Color)
Adds a new, colored arc to the display list.
Public methodAddArc(Arc, Color, Int32)
Adds a new, colored arc to the display list.
Public methodAddCircle(Circle)
Adds a new, black circle to the display list.
Public methodAddCircle(Circle, Color)
Adds a new, colored arc to the display list.
Public methodAddCircle(Circle, Color, Int32)
Adds a new, colored circle to the display list.
Public methodAddCurve(Curve)
Adds a new, black curve to the display list. The curve will be duplicated so changes to the original will not affect the display.
Public methodAddCurve(Curve, Color)
Adds a new, colored curve to the display list. The curve will be duplicated so changes to the original will not affect the display.
Public methodAddCurve(Curve, Color, Int32)
Adds a new, colored curve to the display list. The curve will be duplicated so changes to the original will not affect the display.
Public methodAddLine(Line)
Adds a new, black line to the display list.
Public methodAddLine(Line, Color)
Adds a new, colored line to the display list.
Public methodAddLine(Line, Color, Int32)
Adds a new, colored line to the display list.
Public methodAddPoint(Point3d)
Adds a new, black point to the display list.
Public methodAddPoint(Point3d, Color)
Adds a new colored point to the display list.
Public methodAddPoint(Point3d, Color, PointStyle, Int32)
Adds a new stylized point to the display list.
Public methodAddPoints(IEnumerablePoint3d)
Adds a collection of black points to the display list.
Public methodAddPoints(IEnumerablePoint3d, Color)
Adds a collection of colored points to the display list.
Public methodAddPoints(IEnumerablePoint3d, Color, PointStyle, Int32)
Adds a collection of stylized points to the display list.
Public methodAddPolygon
Adds a polygon to the drawing list. Polygons are not like Hatches, when you supply a concave polygon, the shading probably won't work.
Public methodAddText(Text3d, Color)
Adds a new 3D text object to the display list.
Public methodAddText(String, Plane, Double)
Adds a new, black 3D text object to the display list.
Public methodAddText(String, Plane, Double, Color)
Adds a new, colored 3D text object to the display list.
Public methodAddVector(Point3d, Vector3d)
Adds a new, black vector to the display list.
Public methodAddVector(Point3d, Vector3d, Color)
Adds a new, colored vector to the display list.
Public methodAddVector(Point3d, Vector3d, Color, Boolean)
Adds a new, colored vector to the display list.
Public methodClear
Clear the drawing lists.
Public methodDispose
Dispose this CustomDisplay instance. You must call this function in order to properly shut down the CustomDisplay.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also