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RenderContent Methods

The RenderContent type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddAutomaticUserInterfaceSection
Add a new automatic user interface section, Field values which include prompts will be automatically added to this section.
Public methodAddChild(RenderContent) Obsolete.
Public methodAddChild(RenderContent, String) Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberAddPersistentRenderContent(RenderContent) Obsolete.
Add a material, environment or texture to the internal RDK document lists as top level content. The content must have been returned from RenderContent::MakeCopy, NewContentFromType or a similar function that returns a non-document content. Obsolete - use RhinoDoc.RenderMaterials.Add or similar.
Public methodStatic memberAddPersistentRenderContent(RhinoDoc, RenderContent) Obsolete.
Add a material, environment or texture to the internal RDK document lists as top level content. The content must have been returned from RenderContent::MakeCopy, NewContentFromType or a similar function that returns a non-document content. Obsolete - use RhinoDoc.RenderMaterials.Add or similar.
Public methodAddUserInterfaceSection(ICollapsibleSection)
Public methodAddUserInterfaceSection(Type, String, Boolean, Boolean) Obsolete.
Add a new .NET control to an content expandable tab section, the height of the createExpanded tabs client area will be the initial height of the specified control.
Public methodBeginChange
Begins a change or batch of changes. It may also make a copy of the content state allowing EndChange to send an event with the old and new contents. Calls to this method are counted; you must call EndChange() once for every call to BeginChange(). Note: If Changed() was called between the calls to BeginChange() and EndChange(), the last call to EndChange() may cause the ContentChanged event to be sent.
Public methodBeginCreateDynamicFields
Automatic Dynamic Field support. Dynamic fields are typically created in the constructor of RenderContent and they are therefore created automatically whenever the content is created. However, some advanced users require the fields to be created in response to some user action which occurs much later. This creates the problem that the fields do not exist by default and therefore cannot be loaded when the document is loaded. These methods are provided to solve that problem by making it possible to automatically create the dynamic fields on loading if they don't already exist. Dynamic fields that have this auto-create-on-load behavior are referred to as automatic dynamic fields. Dynamic fields that do not require the advanced automatic feature can still be created by using these methods (recommended), or they can be created manually (legacy usage). You must call this before creating any dynamic fields. Calls to this method are counted; you must call EndCreateDynamicFields() once for every call to BeginCreateDynamicFields().
Public methodBindParameterToField(String, Field, RenderContentChangeContexts)
Use bindings to automatically wire parameters to fields
Public methodBindParameterToField(String, String, Field, RenderContentChangeContexts)
Use bindings to automatically wire parameters to fields
Protected methodCalculateRenderHash Obsolete.
Override this method to calculate the render hash of the state that affects how the content is rendered. Does not include children or perform any caching. Render hash values are now automatically cached by the content framework and you do not have to worry about caching. You also do not have to worry about iterating into children. This method is now only called internally by the framework, use the RenderHash property to get the current hash value.
Protected methodCalculateRenderHash2
Public methodChangeChild Obsolete.
Public methodChildSlotAmount
Gets the amount property for the texture in the specified child slot.
Public methodChildSlotNameFromParamName
A "child slot" is the specific "slot" that a child (usually a texture) occupies. This is generally the "use" of the child - in other words, the thing the child operates on. Some examples are "color", "transparency".
Public methodChildSlotOn
Gets the on-ness property for the texture in the specified child slot.
Public methodConvertUnits
Modify your content so that it is converted from meters into the units of the unit system. No need to call the base class when you override this, and no need to recurse into children.
Public methodStatic memberCreate(RhinoDoc, Guid)
Constructs a new content of the specified type and attaches it to a document. This function cannot be used to create temporary content that you delete after use. Content created by this function is owned by RDK and appears in the content editor. To create a temporary content which is owned by you, call RenderContentType.NewContentFromTypeId().
Public methodStatic memberCreate(RhinoDoc, Type)
Constructs a new content of the specified type and attaches it to a document. This function cannot be used to create temporary content that you delete after use. Content created by this function is owned by RDK and appears in the content editor. To create a temporary content which is owned by you, call RenderContentType.NewContentFromTypeId().
Public methodStatic memberCreate(Guid, RenderContentShowContentChooserFlags, RhinoDoc)
Constructs a new content of the specified type and attaches it to a document. This function cannot be used to create temporary content that you delete after use. Content created by this function is owned by RDK and appears in the content editor. To create a temporary content which is owned by you, call RenderContentType.NewContentFromTypeId().
Public methodStatic memberCreate(Type, RenderContentShowContentChooserFlags, RhinoDoc)
Constructs a new content of the specified type and attaches it to a document. This function cannot be used to create temporary content that you delete after use. Content created by this function is owned by RDK and appears in the content editor. To create a temporary content which is owned by you, call RenderContentType.NewContentFromTypeId().
Public methodStatic memberCreate(RhinoDoc, Guid, RenderContent, String)
Constructs a new content of the specified type and attaches it to a document. This function cannot be used to create temporary content that you delete after use. Content created by this function is owned by RDK and appears in the content editor. To create a temporary content which is owned by you, call RenderContentType.NewContentFromTypeId().
Public methodStatic memberCreate(RhinoDoc, Type, RenderContent, String)
Constructs a new content of the specified type and attaches it to a document. This function cannot be used to create temporary content that you delete after use. Content created by this function is owned by RDK and appears in the content editor. To create a temporary content which is owned by you, call RenderContentType.NewContentFromTypeId().
Public methodStatic memberCreate(Guid, RenderContent, String, RenderContentShowContentChooserFlags, RhinoDoc)
Constructs a new content of the specified type and attaches it to a document. This function cannot be used to create temporary content that you delete after use. Content created by this function is owned by RDK and appears in the content editor. To create a temporary content which is owned by you, call RenderContentType.NewContentFromTypeId().
Public methodStatic memberCreate(Type, RenderContent, String, RenderContentShowContentChooserFlags, RhinoDoc)
Constructs a new content of the specified type and attaches it to a document. This function cannot be used to create temporary content that you delete after use. Content created by this function is owned by RDK and appears in the content editor. To create a temporary content which is owned by you, call RenderContentType.NewContentFromTypeId().
Public methodCreateDynamicField
Create a dynamic field with an initial value and min and max limits.
Public methodDeleteAllChildren
Public methodDeleteChild
Public methodDispose
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Public methodDynamicIcon
Public methodEdit
This method allows a render content hierarchy to be edited using a modal (AKA 'pop-up') editor. If the original render content is in a document, it will remain there, and the edited one will be 'free-floating'. Therefore it is the caller's responsibility to do any replacement in the document if required. The returned new content will be owned by the caller.
Public methodEndChange
Ends a change or batch of changes. Calls to this method are counted; you must call this method once for every call to BeginChange(RenderContentChangeContexts). Note: If BeginChange(RenderContentChangeContexts) was called with ChangeContexts.UI, ChangeContexts.Program, ChangeContexts.Drop or ChangeContexts.UI.Tree and Changed() was called between the calls to BeginChange(RenderContentChangeContexts) and EndChange(), the last call to EndChange() will raise the ContentChanged event.
Public methodEndCreateDynamicFields
You must call this after creating dynamic fields. Calls to this method are counted; you must call BeginCreateDynamicFields() once for every call to EndCreateDynamicFields().
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFactory
Protected methodFinalize
(Overrides ObjectFinalize.)
Public methodFindChild
Public methodForDisplay
**** This method is for proxies and will be marked obsolete in the future **** The only place a single proxy can be displayed is in the New Content Control main thumbnail. All other attempts to use a single proxy in a UI require it to be replaced with the corresponding multi proxy. Single proxies override this to find the corresponding multi proxy.
Public methodStatic memberFromId
Search for a content object based on its Id
Public methodStatic memberFromXml(String) Obsolete.
Public methodStatic memberFromXml(String, RhinoDoc)
Creates a new content from the XML data. The resulting content will not be attached to the document.
Public methodStatic memberGenerateQuickContentPreview
Generate a quick render content preview
Public methodStatic memberGenerateRenderContentPreview
Generate a render content preview
Public methodGetChildSlotParameter
Extra requirements are a way of specifying extra functionality on parameters in the automatic UI. Override this function to specify additional functionality for automatic UI sections or the texture summary. See IAutoUIExtraRequirements.h in the C++ RDK SDK for string definitions for the parameter names. Call the base class from your override if you do not support the extra requirement parameter. Please do not call this function. It is only retained for backward compatibility. You should instead call GetExtraRequirementParameter().
Public methodGetEmbeddedFilesList
Public methodGetExtraRequirementParameter
Extra requirements are a way of specifying extra functionality on parameters in the automatic UI. See IAutoUIExtraRequirements.h in the C++ RDK SDK for string definitions for the parameter names.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetParameter
Query the content instance for the value of a given named parameter. If you do not support this parameter, call the base class.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUiHash
This allows a content to have more than one UI for the same content type.
Public methodGetUnderlyingInstances
Public methodIcon
Public methodInitialize Obsolete.
Public methodIsCompatible
Public methodIsContentTypeAcceptableAsChild
Public methodIsFactoryProductAcceptableAsChild(ContentFactory, String)
Public methodIsFactoryProductAcceptableAsChild(Guid, String, String)
Override this method to restrict the type of acceptable child content. The default implementation of this method returns true if the factory kind is 'texture'.
Public methodIsReference
Query whether or not the content or any of its ancestors is a reference content.
Public methodIsRenderHashCached Obsolete.
This method is deprecated and no longer called. For more information see CalculateRenderHash(UInt64)
Public methodStatic memberLoadFromFile
Loads content from a library file. Does not add the content to the document. Use RhinoDoc.RenderMaterials.Add or similar.
Public methodMakeCopy
Create a copy of the render content. All content is the same, except for the instance Id.
Public methodMakeGroupInstance
Create an 'instance' of the content hierarchy and group the new hierarchy with this hierarchy. If the instance is subsequently attached to the same document, the state of all members of the group will be kept synchronized. With the exception of the instance ids, all state is exactly preserved in the new instance hierarchy. \note The grouping will have no effect until the new instance is attached to the same document.
Public methodMatchData
Implement to transfer data from another content to this content during creation.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodModifyRenderContentStyles
Public methodNewPreviewSceneServer
Gets the PreviewSceneServer of the content
Protected methodOnAddUserInterfaceSections
Override to provide UI sections to display in the editor.
Protected methodOnGetDefaultsInteractive
Override this method to prompt user for information necessary to create a new content object. For example, if you are created a textured material you may prompt the user for a bitmap file name prior to creating the textured material.
Protected methodOnMakeCopy
Override this function to supplement the standard copying behavour for your RenderContent.
Public methodOpenInEditor
Call this method to open the content in the relevant thumbnail editor and select it for editing by the user. The content must be in the document or the call will fail.
Public methodOpenInModalEditor Obsolete.
Call this method to open the content in the a modal version of the editor. The content must be in the document or the call will fail.
Public methodParamNameFromChildSlotName
A "child slot" is the specific "slot" that a child (usually a texture) occupies. This is generally the "use" of the child - in other words, the thing the child operates on. Some examples are "color", "transparency".
Public methodStatic memberRegisterContent(PlugIn)
Call RegisterContent in your plug-in's OnLoad function in order to register all of the custom RenderContent classes in your assembly.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterContent(Assembly, Guid)
Call RegisterContent in your plug-in's OnLoad function in order to register all of the custom RenderContent classes in your assembly.
Public methodRenderHashExclude(CrcRenderHashFlags, String)
As RenderHash, but allows you to specify flags and exclude specific parameters.
Public methodRenderHashExclude(TextureRenderHashFlags, String)
This method is deprecated in favor of the one that takes CrcRenderHashFlags.
Public methodRenderHashExclude(CrcRenderHashFlags, String, LinearWorkflow)
As RenderHash, but allows you to specify flags and exclude specific parameters. Use this version of the function to calculate a render hash when you have the linear workflow information and you are not running on the main thread. Access to LinearWorkflow data requires document access. CrcRenderHashFlags.ExcludeLinearWorkflow must be specified.
Public methodReplace
Public methodSaveToFile
Saves content to a file - RMTL, RENV or RTEX.
Public methodSetChild(RenderContent, String)
Set another content as a child of this content. This content may or may not be attached to a document. If this content already has a child with the specified child slot name, that child will be deleted. If this content is not attached to a document, the child will be added without sending any events. If this content is attached to a document, the necessary events will be sent to update the UI. Note: Do not call this method to add children in your constructor. If you want to add default children, you should override Initialize() and add them there.
Public methodSetChild(RenderContent, String, RenderContentChangeContexts) Obsolete.
Set another content as a child of this content. This content may or may not be attached to a document. If this content already has a child with the specified child slot name, that child will be deleted. If this content is not attached to a document, the child will be added without sending any events. If this content is attached to a document, the necessary events will be sent to update the UI. Note: Do not call this method to add children in your constructor. If you want to add default children, you should override Initialize() and add them there.
Public methodSetChildSlotAmount
Sets the amount property for the texture in the specified child slot.
Public methodSetChildSlotOn
Sets the on-ness property for the texture in the specified child slot.
Public methodSetChildSlotParameter
Extra requirements are a way of specifying extra functionality on parameters in the automatic UI. Override this function to support values being set from automatic UI sections or the texture summary. See IAutoUIExtraRequirements.h in the C++ RDK SDK for string definitions for the parameter names. Call the base class from your override if you do not support the extra requirement parameter. Please do not call this function. It is only retained for backward compatibility. You should instead call SetExtraRequirementParameter().
Public methodSetExtraRequirementParameter
Extra requirements are a way of specifying extra functionality on parameters in the automatic UI. See IAutoUIExtraRequirements.h in the C++ RDK SDK for string definitions for the parameter names.
Public methodSetIsRenderHashRecursive
By default, RenderHash recurses into children when computing the render hash. However, some applications may require children to be excluded from the render hash calculation. Call this method to enable or disable recursing into children. see RenderHash
Public methodSetName
Set instance name for this content
Public methodSetParameter(String, Object)
Set the named parameter value for this content instance. If you do not support this parameter, call the base class.
Public methodSetParameter(String, Object, RenderContentChangeContexts) Obsolete.
Set the named parameter value for this content instance. If you do not support this parameter, call the base class.
Public methodSetRenderHash Obsolete.
This method is deprecated and no longer called. For more information see CalculateRenderHash(UInt64)
Public methodSmartUngroupRecursive
Remove this content and all its children from any instance groups they may be a member of. If any content in the same document is left alone in the group, that content is also ungrouped. Records undo and sends events OnContentChanged and OnContentGroupIdChanged. \note This method is designed to be called from a content UI and is intended for RDK internal use but may be used as an expert user override.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUngroup
Remove this content from any instance group it may be a member of. Does not record undo but does send the OnContentGroupIdChanged event.
Public methodUngroupRecursive
Remove this content and all its children from any instance groups they may be a member of. Does not record undo but does send the OnContentGroupIdChanged event.
Public methodUninitialize Obsolete.
Public methodUseCount
UseCount returns how many times the content is used
Public methodVirtualIcon
Icon to display in the content browser, this bitmap needs to be valid for the life of this content object, the content object that returns the bitmap is responsible for disposing of the bitmap.
See Also