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RenderContentSetChild Method

Overload List
Public methodSetChild(RenderContent, String)
Set another content as a child of this content. This content may or may not be attached to a document. If this content already has a child with the specified child slot name, that child will be deleted. If this content is not attached to a document, the child will be added without sending any events. If this content is attached to a document, the necessary events will be sent to update the UI. Note: Do not call this method to add children in your constructor. If you want to add default children, you should override Initialize() and add them there.
Public methodSetChild(RenderContent, String, RenderContentChangeContexts) Obsolete.
Set another content as a child of this content. This content may or may not be attached to a document. If this content already has a child with the specified child slot name, that child will be deleted. If this content is not attached to a document, the child will be added without sending any events. If this content is attached to a document, the necessary events will be sent to update the UI. Note: Do not call this method to add children in your constructor. If you want to add default children, you should override Initialize() and add them there.
See Also