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RenderContentAddUserInterfaceSection Method (Type, String, Boolean, Boolean)

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Add a new .NET control to an content expandable tab section, the height of the createExpanded tabs client area will be the initial height of the specified control.

Namespace:  Rhino.Render
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 5.1
[ObsoleteAttribute("Use AddUserInterfaceSection(Rhino.UI.Controls.ICollapsibleSection) below instead.  This function will not work on the Mac and is not type-safe.")]
public UserInterfaceSection AddUserInterfaceSection(
	Type classType,
	string caption,
	bool createExpanded,
	bool createVisible


Type: SystemType
The control class to create and embed as a child window in the expandable tab client area. This class type must be derived from IWin32Window or this method will throw an ArgumentException. Implement the IUserInterfaceSection interface in your classType to get UserInterfaceSection notification.
Type: SystemString
Expandable tab caption.
Type: SystemBoolean
If this value is true then the new expandable tab section will initially be expanded, if it is false it will be collapsed.
Type: SystemBoolean
If this value is true then the new expandable tab section will initially be visible, if it is false it will be hidden.

Return Value

Type: UserInterfaceSection
Returns the UserInterfaceSection object used to manage the new user control object.
See Also