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RenderContentRenderHashExclude Method (CrcRenderHashFlags, String, LinearWorkflow)

As RenderHash, but allows you to specify flags and exclude specific parameters. Use this version of the function to calculate a render hash when you have the linear workflow information and you are not running on the main thread. Access to LinearWorkflow data requires document access. CrcRenderHashFlags.ExcludeLinearWorkflow must be specified.

Namespace:  Rhino.Render
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 6.2
public uint RenderHashExclude(
	CrcRenderHashFlags flags,
	string excludeParameterNames,
	LinearWorkflow lw


Type: Rhino.RenderCrcRenderHashFlags
Flags to finely control the render hash.
Type: SystemString
Semicolon-delimited string of parameter names to exclude.
Type: Rhino.RenderLinearWorkflow
Linear Workflow to use.

Return Value

Type: UInt32
The render hash.
See Also