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SubDCreateTriSphere Method

Creates a SubD sphere made from triangular faces. This is a goofy topology for a Catmull-Clark subdivision surface (all triangles and all vertices have 5 or 6 edges). You may want to consider using the much behaved result from CreateSubDQuadSphere() or even the result from CreateSubDGlobeSphere().

Namespace:  Rhino.Geometry
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 8.4
public static SubD CreateTriSphere(
	Sphere sphere,
	SubDComponentLocation vertexLocation,
	uint triSubdivisionLevel


Type: Rhino.GeometrySphere
Location, size and orientation of the sphere.
Type: Rhino.GeometrySubDComponentLocation
If vertexLocation = SubDComponentLocation::ControlNet, then the control net points will be on the surface of the sphere. Otherwise the limit surface points will be on the sphere.
Type: SystemUInt32
The resulting sphere will have 20*4^subdivision level triangles. (0 for 20 triangles, 1 for 80 triangles, 2 for 320 triangles, ...).

Return Value

Type: SubD
If the input parameters are valid, a SubD tri sphere is returned. Otherwise null is returned.
See Also