RhinoApp Class |
Namespace: Rhino
The RhinoApp type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
BuildDate |
Gets the build date.
| |
CanSave |
Returns true when Rhino is allowed to save, false otherwise
Conditions where Rhino is not allowed to save are: when evaluation licenses are expired;
when a Cloud Zoo lease is expired; when a license is shared by a single user on multiple
computers, and the current computer is not active.
| |
CheckNewObject |
Returns true if Rhino will validate each object added to the document.
This can be time consuming but is valuable for debugging.
| |
CommandHistoryWindowText |
Text in Rhino's command history window.
| |
CommandLineOut |
Provides a TextWriter that can write to the command line.
| |
CommandPrompt | Rhino command prompt. | |
CommandWindowCaptureEnabled |
Enable or disable capturing of the strings sent to the CommandWindow through
Write and WriteLine calls
| |
CurrentRhinoId | Gets the current ID of Rhino. | |
DaysUntilExpiration |
Returns number of days until license expires. Zero when
license is expired.
Raises InvalidLicenseTypeException if LicenseExpires
would return false.
| |
DefaultUiFont |
Default font used to render user interface
| |
ExeServiceRelease |
Service release version of Rhino executable (0, 1, 2, ...)
The integer is the service release number of Rhino. For example,
this function returns "0" if Rhino V4SR0 is running and returns
"1" if Rhino V4SR1 is running.
| |
ExeVersion |
Major version of Rhino executable 4, 5, ...
| |
InCommand |
Gets the nested command count.
| |
InstallationType | Gets the product installation type, as seen in Rhino's ABOUT dialog box. | |
InstallationTypeString | Gets the type of installation (product edition) of the license or lease. | |
InvokeRequired |
Returns true if we are currently not running on the main user interface thread
| |
IsClosing |
Returns true if Rhino is in the process of closing, false otherwise.
This can be true even before the Closing event fires, such as when RhinoDoc.CloseDocument event is called.
| |
IsCloudZooNode |
true if rhino is currently using the Cloud Zoo
false otherwise
| |
IsExiting |
Returns true if Rhino is in the process of exiting, false otherwise.
This can be true even before the Closing event fires, such as when RhinoDoc.CloseDocument event is called.
| |
IsInternetAccessAllowed |
Returns true when Rhino is allowed to access the Internet, false otherwise.
Note, this does not test if Internet access is available.
| |
IsLicenseValidated |
true if the license is validated
false otherwise
| |
IsOnMainThread |
Is the current thread the main thread
| |
IsPreRelease |
true if Rhino is compiled a s pre-release build (Beta, WIP)
false otherwise
| |
IsRunningAutomated | Is Rhino currently being executed through automation | |
IsRunningHeadless | Is Rhino currently being executed in headless mode | |
IsSafeModeEnabled | Is Rhino being executed in safe mode | |
IsSkinned |
Is Rhino currently using custom, user-interface Skin.
| |
LicenseExpires |
true if the license will expire
false otherwise
| |
LicenseUserName | Gets the name of the user that owns the license or lease. | |
LicenseUserOrganization | Gets the name of the organization of the user that owns the license or lease. | |
LoggedInUserAvatar |
Returns the logged in user's avatar picture.
Returns a default avatar if the user does not have an avatar or if the avatar could not be fetched.
| |
LoggedInUserName |
Returns the name of the logged in user, or null if the user is not logged in.
| |
Name | Gets the application name. | |
NodeType | Gets license the node type. | |
Rhino2Id | Gets the ID of Rhino 2. | |
Rhino3Id | Gets the ID of Rhino 3. | |
Rhino4Id | Gets the ID of Rhino 4. | |
Rhino5Id | Gets the ID of Rhino 5 | |
Rhino6Id | Gets the ID of Rhino 6 | |
Rhino7Id | Gets the ID of Rhino 7 | |
SchemeName |
Gets the current Registry scheme name.
| |
SdkServiceRelease |
Rhino SDK 9 digit SDK service release number in the form YYYYMMDDn
Service release of the Rhino SDK supported by this executable. Rhino will only
load plug-ins that require a service release of <= this release number.
For example, SR1 will load all plug-ins made with any SDK released up through and including
the SR1 SDK. But, SR1 will not load a plug-in built using the SR2 SDK. If an "old" Rhino
tries to load a "new" plug-in, the user is told that they have to get a free Rhino.exe
update in order for the plug-in to load. Rhino.exe updates are available from http://www.rhino3d.com.
| |
SdkVersion |
Rhino SDK 9 digit SDK version number in the form YYYYMMDDn
Rhino will only load plug-ins that were build with exactly the
same version of the SDK.
| |
SendWriteToConsole |
Enable or disable sending command window strings to the console
RhinoApp.Write(...) calls would be sent to the console when this
is enabled
| |
SerialNumber | Gets the product serial number, as seen in Rhino's ABOUT dialog box. | |
ToolbarFiles |
Collection of currently open toolbar files in the application
| |
UpdatesAndStatisticsStatus |
Returns true when Rhino is allowed to access the Internet, false otherwise.
Note, this does not test if Internet access is available.
| |
UserIsLoggedIn |
Returns true if the user is logged in; else returns false.
A logged in user does not guarantee that the auth tokens managed by the CloudZooManager instance are valid.
| |
ValidationGracePeriodDaysLeft |
Returns number of days within which validation must occur. Zero when
validation grace period has expired.
Raises InvalidLicenseTypeException if LicenseType is one of:
| |
Version | File version of the main Rhino process | |
VersionControlRevision |
McNeel version control revision identifier at the time this version
of Rhino was built.
Name | Description | |
AskUserForRhinoLicense |
Display UI asking the user to enter a license for Rhino or use one from the Zoo.
| |
CapturedCommandWindowStrings |
Get list of strings sent to the command window through calls to Write or WriteLine
when capturing has been enabled
| |
ChangeLicenseKey |
Display UI asking the user to enter a license for the product specified by licenseId.
| |
ClearCommandHistoryWindow |
Clear the text in Rhino's command history window.
| |
ExecuteCommand |
Execute a Rhino command.
| |
Exit | Exits, or closes, Rhino. | |
Exit(Boolean) |
Exits, or forcefully closes Rhino.
A prompt to allow saving will appear if necessary when forcefully exiting
Works on Windows and MacOS
true to allow the user to cancel exiting false to force exit | |
GetDataDirectory(Boolean, Boolean) |
Gets the data directory.
| |
GetDataDirectory(Boolean, Boolean, String) |
Gets the data directory.
| |
GetExecutableDirectory |
| |
GetPlugInObject(Guid) |
Gets the object that is returned by PlugIn.GetPlugInObject for a given
plug-in. This function attempts to find and load a plug-in with a given Id.
When a plug-in is found, it's GetPlugInObject function is called and the
result is returned here.
Note the plug-in must have already been installed in Rhino or the plug-in manager
will not know where to look for a plug-in with a matching id.
| |
GetPlugInObject(String) |
Gets the object that is returned by PlugIn.GetPlugInObject for a given
plug-in. This function attempts to find and load a plug-in with a given name.
When a plug-in is found, it's GetPlugInObject function is called and the
result is returned here.
Note the plug-in must have already been installed in Rhino or the plug-in manager
will not know where to look for a plug-in with a matching name.
| |
InFullScreen |
Verifies that Rhino is running in full screen mode.
| |
InvokeAndWait |
Work-In-Progress. Testing this with our unit test framework
| |
InvokeOnUiThread |
Execute a function on the main UI thread.
| |
IsInstallationBeta |
If licenseType is a beta license, returns true. A beta license grants
full use of the product during the pre-release development period.
| |
IsInstallationCommercial |
If licenseType is a commercial license, returns true. A commercial license grants
full use of the product.
| |
IsInstallationEvaluation |
If licenseType is an evaluation license, returns true. An evaluation license limits the ability of
Rhino to save based on either the number of saves or a fixed period of time.
| |
LoginToCloudZoo |
Logs in to the cloud zoo.
| |
MainWindowHandle |
Gets the HWND of the Rhino main window.
| |
OutputDebugString |
Print a string to the Visual Studio Output window, if a debugger is attached.
Note that the developer needs to add a newline manually if the next output should
come on a separate line.
| |
ParseTextField(String, RhinoObject, RhinoObject) |
Parses a text field string.
| |
ParseTextField(String, RhinoObject, RhinoObject, InstanceObject) |
Parses a text field string.
| |
PostCancelEvent |
Post a cancel event to the command line
| |
PostEnterEvent |
Post an enter event to the command line
| |
RefreshRhinoLicense |
Refresh the license used by Rhino. This allows any part of Rhino to ensure that the most current version of the license file on disk is in use.
| |
ReleaseMouseCapture | Releases the mouse capture. | |
RunMenuScript |
Run a Rhino menu item script. Will add the selected menu string to the MRU command menu.
| |
RunningInRdp |
Find out if Rhino is running in a remote session
| |
RunningOnVMWare |
Verifies that Rhino is running on VMWare
| |
RunScript(String, Boolean) | Runs a Rhino command script. | |
RunScript(String, String, Boolean) | Runs a Rhino command script. | |
RunScript(UInt32, String, Boolean) | Runs a Rhino command script. | |
RunScript(UInt32, String, String, Boolean) | Runs a Rhino command script. | |
SendKeystrokes | Sends a string of printable characters, including spaces, to Rhino's command line. | |
SetCommandPrompt(String) | Set Rhino command prompt. | |
SetCommandPrompt(String, String) | Sets the command prompt in Rhino. | |
SetCommandPromptMessage |
Set the text that appears in the Rhino command prompt.
In general, you should use the SetCommandPrompt functions.
In rare cases, like worker thread messages, the message that
appears in the prompt has non-standard formatting. In these
rare cases, SetCommandPromptMessage can be used to literally
specify the text that appears in the command prompt window.
| |
SetFocusToMainWindow |
Sets the focus to the main window. This function attempts to use the
ActiveDoc on Mac to figure out which window to set focus to.
| |
SetFocusToMainWindow(RhinoDoc) |
Sets the focus to the main windows for a given document
| |
Wait |
Pauses to keep Windows message pump alive so views will update
and windows will repaint.
| |
Write(String) | Print formatted text in the command window. | |
Write(String, Object) | Print formatted text in the command window. | |
Write(String, Object, Object) | Print formatted text in the command window. | |
Write(String, Object, Object, Object) | Print formatted text in the command window. | |
WriteLine | Print a newline in the command window. | |
WriteLine(String) | Print text in the command window. | |
WriteLine(String, Object) | Print formatted text with a newline in the command window. | |
WriteLine(String, Object, Object) | Print formatted text with a newline in the command window. | |
WriteLine(String, Object, Object, Object) | Print formatted text with a newline in the command window. |
Name | Description | |
AppSettingsChanged |
Is raised when settings are changed.
| |
Closing |
Is raised when the application is about to close.
| |
EscapeKeyPressed |
Can add or removed delegates that are raised when the escape key is clicked.
| |
Idle |
Occurs when the application finishes processing and is about to enter the idle state
| |
Initialized |
Is raised when the application is fully initialized.
| |
KeyboardEvent |
Can add or removed delegates that are raised by a keyboard event.
| |
LicenseStateChanged |
Fires when the license state has changed
| |
MainLoop |
Gets called every loop iteration inside Rhino's main message loop.
| |
RdkCacheImageChanged |
Monitors when the RDK thumbnail cache images are changed.
| |
RdkGlobalSettingsChanged |
Monitors when RDK global settings are modified.
| |
RdkNewDocument |
Monitors when RDK document information is rebuilt.
| |
RdkPlugInUnloading |
Monitors when RDK client plug-ins are unloaded.
| |
RdkUpdateAllPreviews |
Monitors when RDK thumbnails are updated.
| |
RendererChanged |
Monitors when Rhino's current renderer changes.