LicenseCapabilities Enumeration |
Controls the buttons that will appear on the license notification window
that is displayed if a license for the requesting product is not found.
Note, the "Close" button will always be displayed.
RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 5.5
public enum LicenseCapabilities
Public Enumeration LicenseCapabilities
| Member name | Value | Description |
| NoCapabilities | 0 | Only the "Close" button will be displayed |
| CanBePurchased | 1 | Shows "Buy a license" button |
| CanBeSpecified | 2 | OBSOLETE: Shows ""Enter a license" and "Use a Zoo" buttons. Use SupportsStandalone | SupportsZoo instead. |
| CanBeEvaluated | 4 | Shows "Evaluate" button |
| EvaluationIsExpired | 8 | Shows "Evaluate" button disabled |
| SupportsRhinoAccounts | 16 | Supports getting a license from a Cloud Zoo / Rhino Account |
| SupportsStandalone | 32 | Supports single-computer licensing |
| SupportsZooPerUser | 64 | Supports getting a license from a Zoo server |
| SupportsZooPerCore | 128 | Supports getting a license from a Zoo server |
| SupportsLicenseDiscovery | 256 | Supports license discovery API flow |
See Also