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DigitizerPlugIn Class

A Rhino plug-in that interfaces with 3-D digitizing or input devices.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Rhino.PlugIns
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
public abstract class DigitizerPlugIn : PlugIn

The DigitizerPlugIn type exposes the following members.

Protected methodDigitizerPlugIn
Initializes a new instance of the DigitizerPlugIn class
Public propertyAddToHelpMenu
Called by Rhino to determine if the plug-in name should be added to the Rhino Help/Plug-ins menu.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertyAssembly
Source assembly for this plug-in.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertyDescription
Returns the description of the plug-in, as found in the plug-in's assembly attributes.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected propertyDigitizerUnitSystem
Unit system of the points the digitizer passes to SendPoint(). Rhino uses this value when it calibrates a digitizer. This unit system must be not change.
Public propertyId
Returns the Guid, or unique Id, of the plug-in.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertyLicenseId (Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertyLoadAtStartup Obsolete. (Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertyLoadTime
Plug-ins are typically loaded on demand when they are first needed. You can change this behavior to load the plug-in at during different stages in time by overriding this property.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected propertyLocalPlugInName
Optionally override this to provide a localized plug-in name
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertyName
Returns the name of the plug-in, as found in the plug-in's assembly attributes.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected propertyPointTolerance
The point tolerance is the distance the digitizer must move (in digitizer coordinates) for a new point to be considered real rather than noise. Small desktop digitizer arms have values like 0.001 inches and 0.01 millimeters. This value should never be smaller than the accuracy of the digitizing device.
Public propertySettings
Persistent plug-in settings.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertySettingsDirectory
Get the plug-in's settings directory. This is the directory where the plug-in's persistent settings files are saved. This directory will be located in the user's profile folder. Note, this does not verify the directory exists.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertySettingsDirectoryAllUsers
Get the plug-in's "all users" settings directory. This directory will be located in the system's program data folder. Note, this does not verify the directory exists.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertyVersion
Returns the version of the plug-in, as found in the plug-in's assembly attributes.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public propertyWindowPositionSettings (Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected methodAskUserForLicense (Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public methodCommandSettings (Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected methodCreateCommands
Called right after plug-in is created and is responsible for creating all of the commands in a given plug-in. The base class implementation Constructs an instance of every publicly exported command class in your plug-in's assembly.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public methodDisplayHelp
Called by Rhino if AddToHelpMenu is true and menu item associated with this plug-in is selected.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected methodDocumentPropertiesDialogPages
Override this function if you want to extend the document properties sections of the options dialog. This function is called whenever the user brings up the Options dialog.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected methodEnableDigitizer
Called by Rhino to enable/disable input from the digitizer. If enable is true and EnableDigitizer() returns false, then Rhino will not calibrate the digitizer.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetCommands
All of the commands associated with this plug-in.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetLicense(LicenseBuildType, ValidateProductKeyDelegate, OnLeaseChangedDelegate)
Verifies that there is a valid product license for your plug-in, using the Rhino licensing system. If the plug-in is installed as a standalone node, the locally installed license will be validated. If the plug-in is installed as a network node, a loaner license will be requested by the system's assigned Zoo server. If the Zoo server finds and returns a license, then this license will be validated. If no license is found, then the user will be prompted to provide a license key, which will be validated.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected methodGetLicense(LicenseCapabilities, String, ValidateProductKeyDelegate, OnLeaseChangedDelegate)
Verifies that there is a valid product license for your plug-in, using the Rhino licensing system. If the plug-in is installed as a standalone node, the locally installed license will be validated. If the plug-in is installed as a network node, a loaner license will be requested by the system's assigned Zoo server. If the Zoo server finds and returns a license, then this license will be validated. If no license is found, then the user will be prompted to provide a license key, which will be validated.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected methodGetLicenseOwner
Get the customer name and organization used when entering the product license.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public methodGetPlugInObject (Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIcon
Returns the plug-in's icon in bitmap form.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public methodIsTextureSupported
Returns true if this renderer can render the texture natively without needing it to be baked into a bitmap, false otherwise. By default, returns false for all textures.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodObjectPropertiesPages(ListObjectPropertiesPage) Obsolete.
Override this function is you want to extend the object properties dialog
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected methodObjectPropertiesPages(ObjectPropertiesPageCollection)
Override this function is you want to extend the object properties dialog. This method will be called each time a new document is created for each instance of a object properties panel. On Windows there will be a single panel per document but on Mac there may be many properties panel per document.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected methodOnLoad
Is called when the plug-in is being loaded.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected methodOnShutdown (Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected methodOptionsDialogPages
Override this function if you want to extend the options dialog. This function is called whenever the user brings up the Options dialog.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected methodReadDocument
Called whenever a Rhino document is being loaded and plug-in user data was encountered written by a plug-in with this plug-in's GUID.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected methodRegisterCommand (Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected methodResetMessageBoxes (Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected methodReturnLicense
Returns, or releases, a product license that was obtained from the Rhino licensing system. Note, most plug-ins do not need to call this as the Rhino licensing system will return all licenses when Rhino shuts down.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public methodSaveSettings
Write settings to disk which will raise a SettingsSaved event.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public methodSendPoint
If the digitizer is enabled, call this function to send a point to Rhino. Call this function as much as you like. The digitizers that Rhino currently supports send a point every 15 milliseconds or so. This function should be called when users press or release any digitizer button.
Public methodSendRay
If the digitizer is enabled, call this function to send a point and direction to Rhino. Call this function as much as you like. The digitizers that Rhino currently supports send a point every 15 milliseconds or so. This function should be called when users press or release any digitizer button.
Protected methodSetLicenseCapabilities (Inherited from PlugIn.)
Protected methodShouldCallWriteDocument
Called whenever a Rhino is about to save a .3dm file. If you want to save plug-in document data when a model is saved in a version 5 .3dm file, then you must override this function to return true and you must override WriteDocument().
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodWriteDocument
Called when Rhino is saving a .3dm file to allow the plug-in to save document user data.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
Public eventSettingsSaved
This event is raised when an instance of Rhino has modified the external settings file associated with this plug-in's Settings property.
(Inherited from PlugIn.)
See Also