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UnrollerAddFollowingGeometry Method

Overload List
Public methodAddFollowingGeometry(Curve)
Adds a curve that should be unrolled along with the surface/brep.
Public methodAddFollowingGeometry(IEnumerableCurve)
Adds curves that should be unrolled along with the surface/brep.
Public methodAddFollowingGeometry(IEnumerablePoint3d)
Adds points that should be unrolled along with the surface/brep.
Public methodAddFollowingGeometry(IEnumerableTextDot)
Adds text dots that should be unrolled along with the surface/brep.
Public methodAddFollowingGeometry(Point)
Adds a point that should be unrolled along with the surface/brep.
Public methodAddFollowingGeometry(Point3d)
Adds a point that should be unrolled along with the surface/brep.
Public methodAddFollowingGeometry(TextDot)
Adds a text dot that should be unrolled along with the surface/brep.
Public methodAddFollowingGeometry(IEnumerablePoint3d, IEnumerableString)
Adds text dots that should be unrolled along with the surface/brep.
Public methodAddFollowingGeometry(Point3d, String)
Adds a text dot that should be unrolled along with the surface/brep.
See Also