Defines bitwise mask flags for different styles of commands, such as
Hidden or DoNotRepeat.
RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 5.0
public enum Style
Public Enumeration Style
| Member name | Value | Description |
| None | 0 |
No flag is defined.
| Hidden | 1 |
Also known as a "test" command. The command name does not auto-complete
when typed on the command line an is therefore not discoverable. Useful
for writing commands that users don't normally have access to.
| ScriptRunner | 2 |
For commands that want to run scripts as if they were typed at the command
line (like RhinoScript's RunScript command)
| Transparent | 4 |
Transparent commands can be run inside of other commands.
The command does not modify the contents of the model's geometry in any way.
Examples of transparent commands include commands that change views and toggle
snap states. Any command that adds or deletes, a view cannot be transparent.
| DoNotRepeat | 8 |
The command should not be repeated by pressing "ENTER" immediately after
the command finishes.
| NotUndoable | 16 |
By default, all commands are undo-able.
See Also