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File3dmRenderTexture Properties

The File3dmRenderTexture type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAutoDelete
True if the content is automatically deleted when not in use.
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyChildren
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyChildSlotName
The render content's child slot name.
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyComponentStatus
Gets or sets the component status of the model component.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyComponentType
Returns RenderContent.
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyDeletedName
Gets the name of a component that is deleted.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyDisposed
Indicates if this object has been disposed or the document it originally belonged to has been disposed.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyFile3dmParent
The parent File3dm of the entire hierarchy.
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyFilename
If the texture has a file name, returns that file name. Otherwise returns an empty string.
Public propertyGroupId
The content's group id.
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyHasId
Returns a value indicating whether the component has an ID.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyHasIndex
Returns a value indicating whether the component has an Index.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyHasName
Returns a value indicating whether the component has a Name.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyHasUserData
Gets true if this class has any custom information attached to it through UserData.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyHidden
True if the content is hidden.
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyId
Gets or sets the ID of the current instance.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyIdIsLocked
Returns a value indicating whether the component ID is already locked.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyIndex
Gets or sets the model component index attribute.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyIndexIsLocked
Returns a value indicating whether the component Index is already locked.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyInstanceDefinitionModelSerialNumber
When a component is in a model as part of the information required for a linked instance definition, this value identifies the linked instance definition reference model.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyIsChild
True if this is a child of another render content (i.e., has a parent; is not top-level).
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyIsComponentStatusLocked
The component status itself can be locked. This returns an indication.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyIsDeleted
true if the component is deleted. Deleted components are kept by the document for undo purposes.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyIsDocumentControlled
If true this object may not be modified. Any properties or functions that attempt to modify this object when it is set to "IsReadOnly" will throw a NotSupportedException.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyIsReference
Gets a value indicting whether this component is a referenced component. Referenced components are part of referenced documents.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyIsSystemComponent
True if this model component is a system constant.

An incomplete list of system constant model components is below:

  • ON_ModelComponent::Unset

  • ON_InstanceDefinition::Empty

  • ON_Linetype::Unset
  • ON_Linetype::Continuous
  • ON_Linetype::ByLayer
  • ON_Linetype::ByParent

  • ON_Layer::Unset
  • ON_Layer::Default

  • ON_TextStyle::Unset
  • ON_TextStyle::Default
  • ON_TextStyle::ByLayer
  • ON_TextStyle::ByParent

  • ON_DimStyle::Unset
  • ON_DimStyle::Default
  • ON_DimStyle::DefaultInchDecimal
  • ON_DimStyle::DefaultInchFractional
  • ON_DimStyle::DefaultFootInchArchitecture
  • ON_DimStyle::DefaultMillimeterSmall
  • ON_DimStyle::DefaultMillimeterLarge
  • ON_DimStyle::DefaultMillimeterArchitecture
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyIsTopLevel
True if this is a top-level render content (i.e., has no parent; is not a child).
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyIsValid
Tests an object to see if it is valid.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyKind
the kind of render content as a string.
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyModelSerialNumber
A value identifying the model that manages this component.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyCode exampleName
Gets or sets the name
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyNameIsLocked
Returns a value indicating whether the component Name is already locked.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyNotes
The content's notes.
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyParent
The parent content or null if this is the top level object.
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyPlugInId
The content's plug-in id.
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyReference
True if the content is a reference content.
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyReferenceModelSerialNumber
When a component is in a model for reference, this value identifies the reference model.
(Inherited from ModelComponent.)
Public propertyRenderEngineId
The content's render-engine id.
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyTags
The content's tags.
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyTopLevel
The top-level parent content. Returns this if this is the top-level item.
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyTypeId
The unique id of the content type.
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyTypeName
The internal name of the content type.
(Inherited from File3dmRenderContent.)
Public propertyUserData
List of custom information that is attached to this class.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
Public propertyUserDictionary
Dictionary of custom information attached to this class. The dictionary is actually user data provided as an easy to use shareable set of information.
(Inherited from CommonObject.)
See Also