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IStackedDialogPageService Methods

The IStackedDialogPageService type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetImageHandle(Icon, Boolean)
Convert image to platform specific unmanaged pointer
Public methodGetImageHandle(Image, Boolean)
Convert image to platform specific unmanaged pointer
Public methodGetNativePageWindow(Object, Boolean, Boolean, Object)
Get the unmanaged pointer associated with the pages content control
Public methodGetNativePageWindow(Object, Boolean, Boolean, Object, Object)
Get the unmanaged pointer associated with the pages content control
Public methodNativeHandle
Gets the native window handle associated with the host object if there is one.
Public methodRedrawPageControl
Redraw the specified control.
Public methodSetNativeParent
Sets the parent on a host returned from GetNativePageWindow
Public methodTryGetControlMinimumSize
Get the minimum size associated with a control object
See Also