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TextureEvaluatorWriteToByteArray Method

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Fast access to bitmap evaluator - supply size (which you will probably have received from CRhRdkTexture::PixelSize) to see if the data can be extracted direct to a width*height*4 array of unsigned chars.

Namespace:  Rhino.Render
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 7.0
[ObsoleteAttribute("Use WriteToByteArray2 instead - supports much larger byte arrays")]
public virtual SimpleArrayByte WriteToByteArray(
	int width,
	int height


Type: SystemInt32
is the point for which to evaluate the texture.
Type: SystemInt32
duvwdx is a ray differential.

Return Value

Type: SimpleArrayByte
A ByteArray full of the byte values in RGBA order, or null if the function did not succeed
See Also