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FieldDictionarySet Method

Overload List
Public methodSet(String, Color4f)
Set the field value and send the appropriate change notification to the render SDK. Will throw a InvalidOperationException exception if the key name is not valid.
Public methodSet(String, Point2d)
Set the field value and send the appropriate change notification to the render SDK. Will throw a InvalidOperationException exception if the key name is not valid.
Public methodSet(String, Point3d)
Set the field value and send the appropriate change notification to the render SDK. Will throw a InvalidOperationException exception if the key name is not valid.
Public methodSet(String, Point4d)
Set the field value and send the appropriate change notification to the render SDK. Will throw a InvalidOperationException exception if the key name is not valid.
Public methodSet(String, Transform)
Set the field value and send the appropriate change notification to the render SDK. Will throw a InvalidOperationException exception if the key name is not valid.
Public methodSet(String, Vector2d)
Set the field value and send the appropriate change notification to the render SDK. Will throw a InvalidOperationException exception if the key name is not valid.
Public methodSet(String, Vector3d)
Set the field value and send the appropriate change notification to the render SDK. Will throw a InvalidOperationException exception if the key name is not valid.
Public methodSet(String, Boolean)
Set the field value and send the appropriate change notification to the render SDK. Will throw a InvalidOperationException exception if the key name is not valid.
Public methodSet(String, Byte)
Set the field value and send the appropriate change notification to the render SDK. Will throw a InvalidOperationException exception if the key name is not valid.
Public methodSet(String, DateTime)
Set the field value and send the appropriate change notification to the render SDK. Will throw a InvalidOperationException exception if the key name is not valid.
Public methodSet(String, Double)
Set the field value and send the appropriate change notification to the render SDK. Will throw a InvalidOperationException exception if the key name is not valid.
Public methodSet(String, Color)
Set the field value and send the appropriate change notification to the render SDK. Will throw a InvalidOperationException exception if the key name is not valid.
Public methodSet(String, Guid)
Set the field value and send the appropriate change notification to the render SDK. Will throw a InvalidOperationException exception if the key name is not valid.
Public methodSet(String, Int32)
Set the field value and send the appropriate change notification to the render SDK. Will throw a InvalidOperationException exception if the key name is not valid.
Public methodSet(String, Single)
Set the field value and send the appropriate change notification to the render SDK. Will throw a InvalidOperationException exception if the key name is not valid.
Public methodSet(String, String)
Set the field value and send the appropriate change notification to the render SDK. Will throw a InvalidOperationException exception if the key name is not valid.
See Also