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BrepFaceTrimAwareIsoIntervals Method

Gets intervals where the iso curve exists on a BrepFace (trimmed surface)

Namespace:  Rhino.Geometry
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 5.0
public Interval[] TrimAwareIsoIntervals(
	int direction,
	double constantParameter


Type: SystemInt32
Direction of isocurve.

0 = Isocurve connects all points with a constant U value.

1 = Isocurve connects all points with a constant V value.

Type: SystemDouble
Surface parameter that remains identical along the isocurves.

Return Value

Type: Interval
If direction = 0, the parameter space iso interval connects the 2d points (intervals[i][0],iso_constant) and (intervals[i][1],iso_constant). If direction = 1, the parameter space iso interval connects the 2d points (iso_constant,intervals[i][0]) and (iso_constant,intervals[i][1]).
See Also