Possible results from GetObject.Get(), GetPoint.Get(), etc...
RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 5.0
SyntaxPublic Enumeration GetResult
| Member name | Value | Description |
| NoResult | 0 | |
| Cancel | 1 | User wants to cancel current command. |
| Nothing | 2 | User pressed enter - typically used to accept defaults. |
| Option | 3 | User specified an option - call Option() to get option index. |
| Number | 4 | User entered a real number - call Number() to get value. |
| Color | 5 | User entered a color - call Color() to get value. |
| Undo | 6 | User pressed undo. |
| Miss | 7 | User clicked and missed. |
| Point | 8 | User picked 3d point - call Point() to get 3d point. |
| Point2d | 9 |
User picked 2d window point in CRhinoGetPoint::Get2dPoint()
call ON_2dPoint() to get the point and View() to get the view.
| Line2d | 10 |
User picked a 2d line in CRhinoGetPoint::Get2dLine() call Line2d()
to get the line and View() to get the view.
| Rectangle2d | 11 |
User picked a 2d rectangle in CRhinoGetPoint::Get2dRectangle() call
Rectangle2d() to get the rectangle and View() to get the view.
| Object | 12 | User selected an object - call Object() to get object. |
| String | 13 | User typed a string - call String() to get the string. |
| CustomMessage | 14 |
A custom message was posted to the RhinoGet
| Timeout | 15 |
The getter waited for the amount of time specified in RhinoGet::SetWaitDuration()
and then gave up.
| Circle | 16 | call CRhinoGetCircle::GetCircle() to get the circle. |
| Plane | 17 | call CRhinoGetPlane::GetPlane() to get the plane. |
| Cylinder | 18 | call CRhinoGetCylinder::GetCylinder() to get the cylinder. |
| Sphere | 19 | call CRhinoGetSphere::GetSphere() to get the sphere. |
| Angle | 20 | call CRhinoGetAngle::Angle() to get the angle in radians (CRhinoGetAngle() returns this for typed number, too). |
| Distance | 21 | call CRhinoGetDistance::Distance() to get the distance value. |
| Direction | 22 | call CRhinoGetDirection::Direction() to get the direction vector. |
| Frame | 23 | call CRhinoGetFrame::Frame() to get the frame that was picked. |
| User1 | 4294967295 | |
| User2 | 4294967294 | |
| User3 | 4294967293 | |
| User4 | 4294967292 | |
| User5 | 4294967291 | |
| ExitRhino | 268435455 | Stop now, do not cleanup, just return ASAP. |
See Also