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NurbsCurveMatchToCurve Method

Constructs a NURBS curve with the start and end matching the start and end of targetCurve, and Greville points on targetCurve.

Namespace:  Rhino.Geometry
Assembly:  RhinoCommon (in RhinoCommon.dll)
Since: 8.0
public NurbsCurve MatchToCurve(
	Curve targetCurve,
	double maxEndDistance,
	double maxInteriorDistance,
	double matchTolerance,
	int maxLevel


Type: Rhino.GeometryCurve
The target curve.
Type: SystemDouble
If maxEndDistance dist > 0, the curve's start must be within maxEndDistance of targetCurve start. If maxEndDistance dist > 0, the curve's end must be within maxEndDistance of targetCurve end.
Type: SystemDouble
If maxInteriorDistance > 0, all interior Greville points of the curve must be within maxInteriorDistance of targetCurve.
Type: SystemDouble
The matching tolerance.
Type: SystemInt32
If maxLevel > 0, the result will be refined up to that many times, attempting to get the result within matchTolerance. If matchTolerance <= 0, no refinement will be done. In any case, the parameters closest points on targetCurve of the Greville points of the curve must be monotonic increasing.

Return Value

Type: NurbsCurve
Curve on success, null on failure.
See Also